How It All Began~♡ Ch.1

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When you live in the messy part of town you tend to see things weather it be burgleries, murders and street fighting. I lived in a small apartment with my sister Jema. After our parents divorced, our mother had to work 3 jobs just to keep us on our feet. Mom started becoming sick locked herself in her room never ate. We survived on food stamps for a while. I could hear her sob everynight. Quietly at first until the whailing started getting louder. Our side of town was hella messed up. Sickos everywhere. It was nothing knew but I would never let Jema live like this forever. I started becoming the breadwinner. I worked my ass off. Got her to school and read her books. It was all worth it once I got home to see her smile and talk about her knew friends. My mother became quiet after a while. The house started to smell. Knocking wouldn't work. So once my sister left for school I broke the door down.

I knew what that stench was I had smelt it before it was the horrid stench of death. As I fell  to the floor I could see my mothers lifeless corpse bugs and what not all over. I broke into a cold sweat goosebumps everywhere. I had witnessed deaths and what not before but its different when its your own mother. My sister was soon to come home. How could I have been so stupid. My mom was struggling all by herself and I couldnt even help her. I was standing there for what seemed like hours. After mom's death child services brought us to live with our dad. Jema was told mom wen't for a trip. I didn't think she would be able to handle that burden I didnt want her to leave me either she was all I had. Every glance at her smile reminded me off our mother. We arrived at Dad's house or mansion to say the least. We went from street kids to "rich" ones. Thats where we met our dad and that stepwitch.

I hated it there dad was nice but I could tell that women didnt like me but its not like I cared I hated her more than anything. The only thing that kept me sane was to see Jema's exitement to see her knew room 10 times bigger than our house and all her knew dresses. Dad worked a lot he was a CEO of a big company nationwide and that witch Myriam was a model they seemed to be doing good for themselves. I do have to admit it was nice to not have to worry about money and the maids and Butlers were welcoming and showed us around. After a month of living there and getting settled in I noticed changes my sister and I started gaining weight till we became normal sized for our ages. Our skin was healthier and smoother and we weren't as dirty anymore. I was still somewhat short but at least I wasn't a midget. The maids started joking around that I was more feminine than my sister 😑 but wait till they see what these hands can do I worked construction before I came her I wasn't a frail 15 year old.

Dad seemed happy to see us healthier which was weird why was he happy for us its not like he was the one getting in better shape but he seemed to be an overly kind person. Stepwitch I mean Myriam became fonder of us. She seemed to like our sudden change of appearence because she got us a stylist to tailor our clothes and got us a lot of skin care things and fancy branded clothes. She was on many calls that day but I guess she was a snobby rich bitch didnt like us "street kids". She seemed to be expecting someone she was greeting them and they seemed to be coming back from some sort of trip to Europe seemed like a family member. She especailly liked Jema they did girls night and stuff but it was nice to have a
mother and father figure but she could never compare to my mom.

Of course we had to go to school. We went to some preppy rich kid school. Supposedly the top ones in the whole country. It wasn't hard to fit in people there seemed fake asf trying to hang out cause of my Dad's company it seemed that popularity depended on how rich you were. I ignored them it was annoying anyway. Rumors starting spreading like wildfire they seemed to have found out about my reputation in my old school I guess they didnt find out about the fact I used to be a "street kid". They started giving me space but most people were scared of me. Pfft must be nice to not need to know how to use a gun or knife to survive. Its not like I wanted that anyway but you cant survive their not knowing self defense cops dont even brother there. Can't just use daddy's money to get out of trouble.

School wasn't bad though I never went to school after 5th grade but it wasn't as hard to catch up but I was a rising D to C student. It isnt really something to brag about but its not bad for someone who didn't go to middle school. 😌 But I couldn't focus in class Mom told me her and dad divorced because dad was unfaithful had another family and they had a kid my age. But he seemed friendly and I didn't see anyone in that month that we had lived there. I was usually in my room but I was pretty sure no one was there. But theres no way my mother would lie. I guess they could've aborted it. Wonder if it was a girl or boy.

"JENSON!!JENSON!!! The nurse need to see you."
"Huh? I mean I got it I got it calm yourself miss Im going" 👌

I walk down the hall I dont know where it is but it must be somewhere I wonder what the nurse would want with me. I go down the stairs and I see a intersection of the building like a fork in a rode theres a long hall that leads to some building some sign catches my attention with the words nurses office must be it. I walk in to see Jema. Wonder why she's here.

"Finally. You may sit down for now."

Weird. Jema doesnt seem to be hurt she seems fine and happy mustve made lots of friends.
"So whats going on?"

"Dont worry we were just informed that you two must go home. Your driver is waiting for you. We were told you might get into trouble and to make sure you had no injuries. You must have hated the fact you were street kids."

"You say it like its wrong."

"Dont fret. Just stating the obvious. Hurry now. You are the son of a big CEO dont be careless. You must not make him wait."

"My sister is here you could be hurting her feelings"

"Shes only 1 month younger then you 🤦‍♀️"


😒 These kind of people annoy me but its not the time and Jema is here. Plus they seem to have a lot to show us it must be important. I Wonder what it is.


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