Chapter 2

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Two days later yesterday Jacqueline asked if I'm sure I don't want to make any shopping online for clothes or school supplies. I politely refused.

The school uniform I received the next day. It was a black, knee-length skirt, jacket in the same color with school emblem, grey knee socks, and blazer with a white button-up shirt. My brown hair was neatly tied in a ponytail. I was ready to go.

That day school started at 7:30 a.m it was around thirty minutes ride from the mansion.

I was so stressed that I opened my eyes at 5:00 a.m and since then I was just lying on the bed praying the first day to go smoothly.

The school was a two-store building made out of red brick, with a green window frame and brown roof. It looked impressive.

Before I entered the school I smiled at Russel and waved him goodbye as he wished me a good day.

With a heavy heart, I started walking towards massive entrance doors made from dark wood I could feel my palms starting to sweat and I was desperately trying to calm myself down which only resulted in a bigger internal panic.

On the corridor, some people gave me curious glances. I could tell those were the rich kids, it was all about the accessories the expensive backpack brands, someone was holding the newest model of iPhone, as I walked by I overheard a blonde-haired girl bragging that her father bought a second yacht. Crazy.

Finally, I found Secretary's Office where I found my class schedule.

Somehow I survived dreaded introduction during my first class and when recess started I met Jenny, she was really nice. She tried to convince me to join the chess club but I told her I will think about it. It's not like I wasn't interested in chess but with my social anxiety, I preferred to spend time without people whenever I could.

During the lunch break the kitchen was serving spaghetti bolognese I wasn't a fan but I would at least eat some of it.

While I was searching Jenny's table I hadn't noticed a figure that appeared right in front of me.

A mistake I would regret dearly in the future.

I crashed into a person spilling spaghetti and tomato sauce all over their school uniform and shoes. I looked up to see a huge boy he was a head taller than me had ash brown hair and a mean look on his face.

"I'm sorry!" I said horrified by my actions. I took a step back and cursed mentally. I've made a spectacle of myself. The whole cafeteria was looking at me with compassionate, amused, or worried glances, most of them were just scared. By then I didn't understand why.

"Can your sorry fix my shoes?" The boy asked irritated" then he picked someone's drink from a table, without asking, and spilled it over my head.

"I will see you around," he said darkly and walked past me as nothing happened.
The next day, things went from bad to worse. He kept bothering me. Jenny warned me that he's the biggest bully at the school and I need to be careful, but he was already making my life a living hell so I decided to approach him.


"Listen I will gladly pay for the cleaner I'm sorry for ruining your clothes"

"Tomato sauce stained my white sneakers for which I paid $1,241. I already went to a cleaner he couldn't wash it off" the boy, Brian as I learned. Told me.

"I'm really sorry. I don't have that kind of money but if you give me a little time-"

"How about a deal then?" He asked with his arms crossed.

"What kind of deal," I asked not really liking the sleazy smile that appeared on his face.

"Be mine for a month"

"What?" What does that even mean?

"You don't want to? Fine I will tell the teacher then. You're not even here for a day and already in trouble. My parents would be so pissed if I did something like that"

"Wait! O-okay I will do what you say"

"Cool. See you around then" he said in a relaxed voice. Suddenly he didn't seem concerned or angry anymore.

"You need to be careful" I jumped at the voice behind me. It was Jenny. She walked out with me and I hadn't noticed.

"Brian he's dangerous. Twins are gone for what two days and he thinks he can run the school when they're absent"


"Yes!" Her eyes lit up "Flynn brothers. They're like the biggest stars this school ever had and. They both qualified for this year's National Junior Competition. Just don't try to get close to them when they get back?"


"Their fan clubs will bite your head off. Literally"

"Oh, okay. They're my brothers you know? Just don't tell anyone"

"Girl, what?!"

"Just don't tell anyone," I said quietly.
The next day when I came to school I tried to avoid Brian at all cost but it was no use. He caught me during lunch break.

I was walking towards Jenny who was waving at me and smiling when I felt someone grabbing the back of my shirt and pulling me back.

"Not so fast, join us"

It was Brian.


"Are you an idiot? Yes you" He rolled his eyes "I'm glad you bought me lunch, that's the least you could do, right?" He asked and snatched a lunch tray away from me. Instead of putting it on the table, he threw it's into the bin.

"Why did you do this?"

"Because you didn't say hi when you tried to walk past me. That's rude. Come, sit here "

I did as he told. His hand wrapped around me and I wanted to get away but he kept me in place. I wanted to puke as a result of his unwelcome touch I tried to get away and I couldn't and then something broke in me. Why bother. Mom is dead. I'm so tired I'm tired of being scared.

I gave up.
I hope you like the story so far please let me know what you think.

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