Chapter 9

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"What are you doing with my sister?" Max asked, his voice was so cold I shivered. Woah, okay he wasn't exactly nice to me in the car this morning but his voice was definitely softer back then.

"Y-your sister?" Brian backed away slowly, terrified.

"If you want to keep all of your teeth stay away from her" Max warned and ripped his hand away from me. I winced at this brutal gesture, not directed at me. Thank God.

"Let's go, Ellie," Max said sharply and I followed him without a word of protest.

In the meantime, Brian was standing with his mouth open just realizing how much he fucked up.

"So what was that?" Max asked impatiently. I watched how he taps his finger onto the stirring wheel and I figured out this situation really annoyed him for some reason. Why?

"What was what," I asked tiredly. Oh, now he wanted to talk? I thought he didn't care.

"Who's that boy to you, you're barely two weeks at our school and you already have a boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend. Where's Dan?"

"Don't change the subject. Who is he to you?"

"No one. Also if he was my boyfriend it wouldn't be any of your business" I said slightly irritated by his demanding tone. Since when do I need to explain myself to him?

"You are my little sister, that means it is my business and it also means you're going to stay away from that boy"

If I could I would.

"You're only one year older than me it doesn't matter that you're my brother, we don't know each other. We're strangers living together. I was without older brother for 16 years I don't think your input in my romantic life is necessary now" I responded drily.

"Alright stranger" he agreed calmly "At today's dinner I'm going to inform a bunch of strangers you share a roof with about the older boy you're spending time with. I look forward to their reaction but I wouldn't if I was on your place," he said in serious voice but there was a hint of smugness to it. As if he was preparing for a nice entertaining evening at my personal cost.

Well, I have screwed up anyway because Dan saw me with Brian as well. My delusional hope that Dan won't care enough to say that Brian was pretty much bullying me suddenly disappeared replaced with worry. What should I do now?

After we arrived at home I locked myself in my room and traditionally, started worrying. To preoccupy my mind I started reading the first part of Harry Potter. It was my childhood book, it always brings me peace of mind when I was troubled.

Unfortunately, at some point, Jacqueline knocked at my door and I had to let her in.

"Ellie, dinner is ready. Everyone is already downstairs you should join them"

"I'm not hungry," I said hoping to avoid a difficult situation.

I was especially worried about the bruise on my cheek. I did my very best with concealer but it was from a cheap drugstore brand so it wasn't exactly indestructible. It was such bad timing. I didn't want to look... lame in front of my brothers? Like a victim and we barely even met.

What would happen if Andrew found out about what Brian is doing? Maybe he would be disappointed that not all of his children are perfect. I wasn't sure if I want to know, I just didn't want any trouble.

Unfortunately, I couldn't stay in my room.

"Ellie, you don't need to eat the whole plate just show up downstairs okay?" Jacqueline pressed gently and I nodded suppressing a sigh.

I double-checked my makeup and wore a long sleeved T-shirt to cover the bruise around my wrists.

A dinner was prepared for the twin's arrival to celebrate their success at the competition. It was simultaneously a goodbye party for Charles. Apparently his mysterious occupation required him traveling a lot.

"Wait... it's you?"

Dan looked like he saw a ghost when I entered the dining room. But it wasn't a ghost he saw. It was me.

"She's our sister?"

"Bravo Sherlock," Max said sarcastically.

While Dan was recovering from the current news Andrew pointed at me and I froze in fear.

"Why are you wearing makeup? Wash it off"


"What? What do you mean? Wash off what?" I asked preparing mentally for the upcoming battle. In the meantime, I noticed that both Charles and Max were very interested in my exchange with Andrew.

"Makeup. You're too young to paint your face with this nonsense"

"No. I'm not. Besides I'm not even at school, I'm at home so why do I have to wash it off?"

"Because I asked you to do so, Elisabeth," Andrew said sternly.

"It's Ellie, not Elisabeth" I corrected him, which probably wasn't appreciated "I don't care"

"Ellie, just do what you're told," Charles said tiredly but he was on Andrew's side so right now I didn't like him at the moment. I responded with a silent stare but then I realized that Charles has no problem with maintaining eye contact, in fact, I quickly lowered my gaze, why couldn't I have one brother that wasn't intimidating?

There was a silence. Everyone was waiting for me to do something.

"I'm not hungry" I muttered and turned away to leave. When I was on the stairs I stopped just to hear Max scoff.

"She's a spoiled brat"

It hurt.

Tears welled up in my eyes but I still planned to respond. But my plans instantly halted when I saw Charles getting up from his chair.

"Alright, that's enough" Charles could change in a split second from understanding to cold and unforgiving. It was more clear which our every encounter that his friendly exterior was a mask behind which there was someone truly cold and dangerous. Underneath the façade, there was a person who hated rule-breaking, defiance, and disrespect. He also always giving me just one chance to change my mind before shifting his course of action.

I followed his movement carefully as he went towards the sink to wet the fresh washcloth he was holding in his hands.

Oh no. How am I going to explain this?
Hello Dear Readers,

I have a few questions maybe someone would like to answer.

1. What keeps you interested in this story? I would like to develop on that aspect but first I need to identify what is it. :)
2. Would you like me to introduce mafia to this story? They will show up in one way or the other I just didn't decided yet how extensive their role will be.
3. Is there any part of the story/character that you would like me to explain better? Is there any info that you're missing?
4. What would you like to see next?

Thank you for all the likes and comments I really appreciate it, you're the reason why this story continues ❤️

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