Nobody messes with Mia...

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Samuel fell flat on his face with his right leg bleeding. Ida quickly snatched the gun from his hand, pointed it at him and stepped back, making way for someone.      

"Now you don't get to say anything at all, you son of a b*tch" Mia came forward with a gun in her hand. She had most of her face covered with a mask. The only part, of her face, which was visible were her bloodthirsty eyes. 

"Please... Please don't..." Samuel turned around while on the ground and beseeched. 

"PLeaSseE..." she mocked him. "What do you think, you are gonna get away with that huh? Today is your last day you a$$" 

"Please don't" 

"What did he say to you earlier? Wasn't he feeling sorry for you huh?"

"Well then." She aimed at the same leg which she shot earlier and fired.

"Ahhhh-" Samuel screeched in extreme pain while holding his leg. 

"That's a view for the eyes." a mysterious smile got plastered on her face. 


"End this." 

"NOW" he looked her in the eyes with dark expressions on his face. 

Mia got startled at once as she was expecting some tricks and fight. However she quickly pulled out her expressionless face.

Ida first looked at Mia and then at Samuel. She wasn't sure what would be Mia's next step. She slowly tiptoed to Mia and whispered in her ear, "Just shoot him. Don't think of anything else". 

Mia slightly nodded her head. Ida stepped back while still pointing the gun at him. Samuel lied down onto the ground as if he was already dead. 

"Say bye-bye to the world now." Mia grinned. 

***A gunshot echoed***

"What the fudge!" Mia roared at the guy who was holding her hand, ultimately saving Samuel.

Ida quickly turned and covered her face with her handkerchief while Mia was struggling with the guy who held her hand. 

Samuel used this opportunity and stood up on his other leg. Before he could go far away, Ida noticed him and fired a bullet in his direction. The bullet brushed against his ear and he fell on the ground. 

"NO" Kevin-the guy who saved Samuel, yelled.

Mia tried to release her hand from Kevin's grip. ''You can't hurt him." Kevin shouts at her. 

"Who are you to stop me?" Mia wrenches her hand out of Kevin's grip, pushes him in the other direction and run towards Ida and Samuel.

Meanwhile Ida was checking up on Samuel. "He is knocked out", she signals as soon as Mia reaches to her. 

***Police siren*** 


Kevin got up and ran towards all of them.

"Back off" Mia instantly pointed her gun at Kevin. Kevin stopped at the spot. "You tell anybody about me and I will hunt you down and kick your @ss",She warned him. 

"Kev…!!"Eric shouted from a distance. His eyes widened when he saw the sight. Reflexively, he started running towards Kevin. Ida reloaded her gun and fired in Eric's direction.

"ERIC STOP!!" Kevin yelled as he got scared for Eric. Eric stopped running. 

"Hands where I can see them." Mia shouted at Eric. 

Eric did as he was told. Mia signaled Ida for something. Ida nodded and swiftly curled her arm around Kevin's neck while holding her gun on his head.

"Don't you dare move even a single finger or-" she tightened her grip on Kevin's neck. Kevin didn't move an inch. 

"Don't hurt him. Please" Eric panicked.

"Move." Ida commanded. Kevin followed her lead. Ida dragged him backwards while  Mia followed. Samuel was still lying on the floor, unconscious and with his leg bleeding. The three of them reached the other side of the street. Ida signaled Mia. Mia fired towards Eric. Kevin panicked as he realized the bullet was aimed at Eric but before he could react, Ida pushed him in the opposite direction and they both fled. Eric ran to Kevin and picked him up. Kevin had some bruises on his hands and his jeans ripped a little. 

"Are you okay Kev?" Eric's voice was filled with concern. 

"I am fine." Kevin got up. "Check him." He pointed at Sam. Eric turned and ran to Sam. He took him in his arms and patted his face. Sam made no response. 

"I need to call an ambulance." He flashed out his phone from his pocket and dialed the emergency number.

Kevin kneeled down and sat besides Sam and Eric. "You are gonna be alright… Don't worry Samuel" he gently patted on Sam's hand. 

"Hello ambulance... There is an emergency" Eric said on the phone.

"Talk to me, Samuel… man... Can you hear me??" Kevin was trying to bring Samuel back to consciousness.

*Police arrived*



Samuel was admitted to the hospital. Kevin got discharged after putting on some bandages.

"You sure, you are gonna be okay Kevin??" Eric's eyes scanned Kevin from head to toe to make sure he was okay. 

"Yeah… Eric…Don't worry." 

"And Thank you so much. You saved both of us today." a dimple appeared on his face while his smile broadened. 

"Call me if you need anything" Eric wasn't convinced. 

"Will surely do." Kevin nodded his head. They both greeted each other and parted ways. Kevin returned back home.

After changing into the comfortable clothes, he laid down on his bed to relax. He closed his eyes to sleep. However he couldn't do that. "Her eyes…" he mumbled. "They were filled with vengeance. Is she really a criminal... or is she a victim herself?" he wondered. He couldn't get her revengeful eyes out of his head. No matter how hard he tried, those eyes kept coming back to him. "What is wrong with you Kevin?"he asked himself.


After a few days ~

***Ding dong***

"Yes, may I help you?" Kevin asked as he opened the door.

"Yeah, actually only you can help me," Mia answered in a monotonous way. 

What is Mia doing at Kevin’s place? Is she going to kill him? How will Kevin get out of her trap? Read the next chapter to find out.

Is Kevin in danger or is he the danger himself? Do tell me your views in the comments.


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