If you wanna talk, then talk...!!!

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"Let's talk Kev," Mia said with a smirk on her face. "Meow…" Sassy called out cheerfully. 

"I don't have any time to waste Mia. You can't be here like this. You are drunk, you need to go back."  Kevin got angry at her. 

Mia started crying like a child. Kevin was caught off guard at the sight. "Hey… what- hey... calm down... I was joking. Please stop crying" although he wasn't joking but he said that to make her stop crying.

"I don't have any friend." Mia cooed. She looked at him with her doe-eyes. 

"Is this a dream? Why am I seeing Miss Arrogant in my dream? Oh God! What have I done to deserve this!" Kevin wasn't able to believe his eyes.

***Abert arrived***

"Umm, Kevin…  Can you do your romance in some other place? The boys will come here anytime; I don't want you to spoil them." Abert said with a poker face. 

Kevin's eyes enlarged and eyebrows risen up. "Nooo, We aren't romancing. I don't know her. I don't even know her name." Kevin tried to explain but Abert was still suspicious of him. Abert was about to say something when there was the sound of laughing and talking from a distance.  All the boys entered Kevin's apartment and they all stood in complete shock when they saw a girl there.

"Kevin, what are you doing alone in the house with a girl? Is she your girlfriend?" Adam covered his eyes shyly.

"Who is this cute girl anyway? She even has a cute lil cat! Hey sweetie..." Justin looked at Sassy fondly, who for obvious reasons ignored him.

"Is she the girl you were talking about, on the phone?" Edward raised one of his eyebrows.

"Why didn't you tell us that you were dating? I am so happy for you Kev." Isham came forward to hug Kevin but Kevin stopped him from doing so.

"AAAAAhhhhhh!!!!... You guys! It's nothing like that..." Kevin was a bit disappointed with all of them.

"Is she going to sleep here?" Abert asked while pointing at Mia. Kevin got confused as he couldn't understand what he meant by that. Abert pointed his brows. Kevin turned around to see what it was and to his surprise, she was asleep on the couch with Sassy in her arms. 

"So because of your girlfriend, we can't sit and chit-chat here?" Adam whispered to Kevin.

"NO! This is our place too. Kevin has no right to let his girlfriend sleep here." Eric complained. He turned to Kevin, who was already pissed from what all was going on, and said "She can't sleep here"

"I know…" Kevin looked at Mia. He gently tapped on her shoulder hoping that she'll wake up. Mia didn't budge. Kevin breathed out sharply. He gathered some courage and  shook her heavily, hoping that she'll get up this time, but Mia was still sleeping peacefully. 

Sassy rested her paw on Kevin's hand and meowed. "Meow-Meow, take her back to your home. This is hella irritating" Kevin said rudely and snapped his hand away. Sassy's eyes enlarged while tiny droplets of tears formed in the corner of her eye, as if she was experiencing a heartbreak at the moment. She leaped out from the couch and straight away heads out from the place. Kevin was left dumbstruck.

"What was that?", He wondered.

"I've never seen a girl like her" Justin giggled as he found Mia too amusing.

"Take her to your room Kevin. Don't spoil the kids here." Edward said while eyeing Justin.

"Who are you calling a kid, you old man?" Eric taunted. Eric was the youngest while Edward was the eldest amongst everyone.

"Whatever you are doing, just make it quick. We don't have much time." Abert still didn't give any trace of even slightest of expression from his face.

"I guess I don't have any other option left here." Kevin turns to Eric. "Eric come, help me shift her to another room."

"What!" Eric screamed in shock.

"She is your girlfriend, why would Eric lift her?" Isham gave a 'no-nonsense' look to Kevin.

"Guys please stop calling her my girlfriend. I don't even know her." Kevin was starting to get angry now.

"Stop talking and do it yourself," Edward ordered. He turned to the rest of the boys and said "Let's get rolling. Kevin will join us soon."

"But I want to be here" Adam made a puppy face.

"Why?" Edward asked in a disgusted manner.

"We want to see Kevin carrying her bridal style," Justin's bunny smile showed up.

"Oh yeah... " Eric prompted from the back.

"Go, NOW!!" Edward commanded. The boys left half-heartedly. Edward turned to Kevin, "Don't you dare do this again. You will spoil all of them. They need to focus on their careers."

Kevin sighed. He knew they won't stop teasing him for this, for the rest of his life. 

Edward also left the hall. Kevin looked at Mia with anger in his eyes, "What is wrong with her?" he said Between his clenched teeth. Anyhow, he took her to his room and put her to sleep on his bed.



"Don't beat me... p... pleaseee, l… leave me. Ahh..." Mia jolted from her sleep. She was panting heavily. It was another nightmare of her getting beaten by some really evil demon. Her head started paining and she realized that she forgot to take her pills. She looked around and figured that it wasn't her room. She got up from the bed and came out. Her legs were still a bit shaky.

All the boys were sitting in the bedroom adjacent to the hall. Laughing, bottles clinking, and indistinct chatter could be heard from a distance. She carefully tip-toed her way out of the place.



"Okay. I am gonna go and sleep now." Abert sounded tired.

"Are you going to sleep with that girl?" Isham smiled at Kevin.

"I am done with you all. I told you several times that I don't even know her name. I will just check up on her and if she is still asleep then I will sleep in the living room." Kevin was annoyed.

"If you don't know her then what is she doing here?" Abert raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. I have to go now. You guys should also go to sleep" Kevin was tired now.

He came back to his room to check up on Mia. "Where is she?" his eyes widened as Mia was nowhere to be seen. He looked all over his room but Mia was gone. His eyes went to something which was lying on the floor, he picked it up. It was a ladies' purse. A small chit was halfway through it. "What's that?" he asked himself and took it out. It was a photograph of a young woman with her infant. He turned the photograph and it had a note on it.

'I miss you, mom. Your Mia loves you very much.'

A small smile appeared on his face when he read that. He put it back in the purse and went to sleep.


Next morning~

Mia was sitting in the hall with sleepy Sassy in her lap. She was patting Sassy's head while talking on the phone. "Yeah, it will all be according to our plan," Mia said in a devilish manner.

"What's going to be according to your plan?" Kevin asked with curiosity.

Sassy's eyes shoot wide open. 

What is going on with Kevin? What is Mia's plan? Why did Mia bursted into Kevin's house like that? Was it just a coincidence or a part of her plan? Read the next chapter to find out. 

Sassy's is really shattered. Do you happen to know anything that can comfort her? Do tell me in the comments. 

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