Stop following me!

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Mia was sitting in the hall with sleepy Sassy in her lap. She was patting Sassy's head while talking on the phone. "Yeah, it will all be according to our plan," Mia said in a devilish manner.

"What's going to be according to your plan?" Kevin asked with curiosity.

Sassy's eyes shoot wide open and she turned her head. 

Mia disconnected the call and faced Kevin. "What are you doing here?"  she raised her tone abruptly. 

Kevin fetched a small, wood-colour pouch from his denim's pocket. "Is this yours?" a small smile, revealing his dimples showed up on his face.

Mia rolled her tongue inside her cheek and looked at the pouch he had. Her eyes enlarged and she abruptly snatched it from Kevin's hands.

Kevin was a bit surprised at the reaction but he shrugged it off quickly. "By the way, your mom is pretty," he smiled, making his dimples go on full display.

"So you are mannerless as well," her voice was full of hatred. "You had a sneak peek inside my purse, didn't you?", she continued with the same contemptuous expressions on her face. 

"LISTEN MISS ARROGANT! The photograph was almost out and I kept it back in its place without looking at anything else." His eyes grew red with anger.

"With utmost sincerity, I came here to return this to you when I could have just thrown it away. But No, I didn't do that because I thought this must be a priceless possession for you." He ranted. 

"You should be thankful to me for returning this, but instead, YOU are calling ME mannerless. ME! It's YOU who entered MY house without permission." 

"It's my fault that I behave nicely with you even when you misbehave with me every freaking time. But you know what? I am DONE. Now, Don't ever try to come anywhere near me, you understand?" Kevin clenched his jaw and turned on his heels. His muscles were tensed while his heart was thumping heavily in his chest. Slamming the door shut behind him, he left Mia's house.

Mia looked at the door with her big, surprised eyes. Her eyes were fixed at the door while her eyes were blinking at an unnatural pace.


Sassy made a low, continuous vibratory sound in contentment as if she was happy, and agreed with whatever Kevin said. 

Mia took Sassy in her hands, looking her square in the eye. "You agree with him Sassy?" she eyed her. 


"Yeah, Whatever," Mia rolled her eyes. She picked up her phone and dialed a number. Sassy jumped out from her lap and went to the kitchen. 

"Did you find anything?" Mia asked as soon the other person picked up the phone. 

"I checked all the abandoned places, but I can't find Samuel," Ida answered in a disappointed tone. "I guess we are only left with one option here." Ida indirectly suggested her point to Mia. 

Mia, understood the 'option' which Ida mentioned. Her mouth dried at the thought, "You know how much I hate boys. I can never be his friend."

"But we can't find Samuel on our own. Do you want to find him or not?" Ida yelled.

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT." Mia got infuriated.

"DON'T EVEN THINK OF TELLING ME WHAT TO DO." She disconnected the call. 

***Phone ringing***

Without looking at the caller ID, Mia picked up the call and bawled, "I TOLD YOU-"

"We need to meet right now." The other person interrupted her. 

"Eva! What happened?" Mia's anger vanished instantly. 

"In twenty minutes, at the beach, I will wait for you. Come fast" she said while panting

"But what's wrong Eva?" Mia started to worry.

Eva disconnected the call without answering.

"What could it be? Why was she panting?" Mia thought. She quickly got up from the couch.


Kevin, along with all his friends, came to the beach to relax. It was their usual, routine, kind of thing. 

The sun was a fierce, hot yellow ball covered with clouds in disorderly fashion. The place was almost empty, with just a handful of people in sight. Few of them were children who were playing with the sand. Most of the adults were relaxing, enjoying the sun-bathing. 

Kevin's friends were also relaxing. Edward and Abert were sun-bathing while Isham, Adam, Eric and Justin were holding their sand-castle competition. 

"I found it!" Kevin was overwhelmed. He spotted a crab. He wanted to pick it up and show it to his friends. 

Kevin kneeled down to pick it up carefully in his hands. Just when it was about to come up into his hands, someone kicked the sand. Kevin flinched and fell on his back. Instantaneously, he got up and still kneeling, looked for the crab which by now has disappeared into the sand. His expressions went from surprised to shocked, to heart-broken, to angered. Immediately, his shoulders started going up and down while he was breathing in and out in rage.

"Hey, you monster." He shouted. 

"You almost killed a crab right now" Kevin yelled and looked up at the person and got startled. "Not you again!" he rolled his eyes in pure disgust and got up on his legs.

"Why are you following me? Wherever I go you are always there" Mia roared at him. "And what crab? Pfft", her nose along with lips scrunched up in disgust. She crossed her hands in front of her chest as if she was waiting for a valid reply.

"Edward, Kevin invited his girlfriend here," Eric called out in excitement.

Mia breathed out sharply. She grunted her teeth and looked at Kevin, giving him a death glare.


"You told them that I AM YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" anger was all over in her voice.

"Listen, lady! I have nothing to do with this. All this misunderstanding is because of you." Kevin pointed his index finger at her and looked her square in the eyes. Clearly telling her how pissed he was with all this.

"You are a douche" she answered in a low, slow paced, angry tone. Turning on her heels she walked away. 


***Keypad dialing sound*** 

'The number you are trying to call is out of the service area at the moment. Please try again later.'

"Seriously Eva?!" Mia scoffed. "This girl is impossible." she said in disappointment. 

***Phone ringing***

"Yes Ida. What now?" Mia asked.

"Eva is dead," Ida said while crying.

"WHAT?!" Her eyes popped out. 

Eva is dead! How can she be dead? Why did she call Mia to the beach? Is Kevin connected to this in any way? Read the next chapter to find out. 

Is Kevin following Mia or is Mia following Kevin? What do you think? Do tell me in the comments. 

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