Episode 1

12K 539 61

"Two crores Twenty lakhs"

"Two crores Twenty lakhs, come on. Is this all what you think is the worth of this beautiful house?", The Auctioneer says on top of his voice.

I feel as if my heart is being sliced into pieces with a flaming sharp-edged sword each time a bid is put forward by those who are present here. No, it is worth much more than what anybody could pay for it. The wealthiest of wealthiest man on this earth can never even quote closer to the value it holds in my life. Each brick of this house is made up of love, the walls are painted with her precious memories, and beautifully decorated with her soothing giggles.

"Ma'am, I have done it just the way you asked me.", Raju argues

"Raju, do I look like an idiot to you? Look here, I have the whole design saved in my phone. Look here, this should have curved whereas you have made it pointed. If you don't do it right then don't expect me to make payment.", she warns.

"Sir, please tell ma'am that a little more and less is adjustable and acceptable by everyone while constructing a house!", said Raju.

"Listen bro, you keep me out of this. You lit the match between us every time. I think you are determined to get me a divorce even before I marry her. You are even more dangerous than Calvin Candie from Django unchained", he says.

"Sir, you are cursing me in turn!", Raju complains.

"Hey Raju, would you adjust if I pay you a little more or less in your fees?", She revolted.

"You don't even have to ask me to pay me a little more Madam !", Raju joked with a sheepish grin.

She giggled and instructs him to redo as per her requirements.

"Jaan, look here, how about this sexy red colour in our bedroom?", he asked.

"No ways, red is a big no no. According to the Feng Shui, lighter colour enhances love. I have chosen Lush Lavender, its soothing and will enhance our romance as well.", she says.

"Woahh!! Someone is planning romance already? I can't wait to experience it!", he speaks with excitement.

He runs his fingers over her shoulder making his way towards her neck and earns a smack from her.

"That's strictly after marriage. Let's concentrate on getting our dream home ready for now.", She orders.

He makes a puppy face and she giggles.

Flashback Ends.. as the Auctioneer bangs the hammer on table he comes back to face the reality.

"Two crores Seventy Five lakhs - Three!!! Sold to Mr. Sunil Kumar, Congratulations Mr. Sunil! And.. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for attending the auction today."

It's over! Everything is over! Is this what you wanted sweetheart? You broke me completely. Your love broke me and I am shattered! I have nothing left with me now. It's all my fault. Just one decision and it's all ruined. I wish I had said 'No' to you that day. My one 'No' could have saved my entire life from sliding into the deep ocean of pain.

Name: Sidharth Srivastava,
Age: 30
Financial status: Broke
Emotional status: Broke
Mental status: Broke

Sidharth: Excuse me! Where is the office?

Lady: Straight, turn to the first left, enter the second door.

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