Episode 28

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Shehnaaz places order with the flower dealer for a huge consignment and pays the advance. They were just 2 days away from the date mentioned for the delivery of it when Steven calls up Shehnaaz.

Steven: Hello Shehnaaz, I am sorry but the owner of the yacht stranded us. We can't go ahead with the deal.

Shehnaaz: What? How can you say that? I've already paid token amount to the flower dealer and this is not my regular vendor. The flowers are going to be delivered tomorrow so that I could make the decoration for the next day.

Steven: I am helpless as well. I am not going to ask you for the advance money back but even I've suffered losses due to his sudden cancellation of order.

Shehnaaz: How can they do this? I cannot stop the consignment and if I don't pay, my regular business will be at risk. Why can't you ask your client to pay for the losses atleast?

Steven: I would have but the client is non other than Devraj.

Shehnaaz: So? Who is Devraj?

Steven: He is the big gangster and belongs to the mafia clan.

Shehnaaz: So? He must be having a lot of money then why can't he pay for losses?

Steven: It's not so simple Shehnaaz, he doesn't have the heart like us that he would just give money when simply asked. What if he shoots us dead?

Shehnaaz: I don't know anything. I just want my money back. Give me his address, I will speak to him. I'll take help of police if needed.

Steven: I can give you his address but to alert you, police won't help you cause they are hand in gloves with him.

Shehnaaz: I won't put down my weapons before trying.

Steven gives her the address and Shehnaaz takes an auto to the location. It was a huge mansion and two armed security guards stood at the gate. The guards watched her getting down from auto. She went on to speak with the guard though her heart was pounding as she was nervous looking at the arms in their hands.

Shehnaaz: I.. I.. I want to see Mr. Dev.. Devraj.

The security guards look at each other and start laughing.

Guard 1: Hey lady, it's easier to meet Prime Minister of the country than our boss Devraj. Who are you?

Shehnaaz: (gulped) I am here to talk about business. He... He has to pay for my losses.

Guard 2: (Bursts out laughing) I think you have got a wrong address or aren't aware of whom you are talking about.

Shehnaaz: I am.. (clears her throat) aware about who I am talking about. Please let me meet him. Please. I don't want my profit amount as well. If he gives me just the cost of consignment, I will be content with that. My financial position is not so good that I can absorb this loss. Please let me meet him.

Guard 1 felt a bit emotional listening to Shehnaaz's plead.

Guard 1: Let me try talking to his right hand first. If he convinces him to meet you then your work will be done.

Shehnaaz smiles and nods.

Guard 1 calls Devraj's right hand, Javed, who observes Shehnaaz via video and asks him to send her inside. Shehnaaz thanks the guard and goes inside. Another goon escorts her inside.

Shehnaaz's heart was beating loudly. She hadn't informed Sidharth about coming here. She feared that he wouldn't let her come here, so she left the house immediately after Sidharth left to office and Aadya went to school.

The goon asks her to sit in a room and goes out. Shehnaaz was sweating even with the AC on. She looked around the room. There was a big corner couch on which she was sitting, another single seater sofa, a table infront, an aquarium with few gold fishes swimming in it, a pool table, a wall mount TV and a few artistic painting displayed on the wall.

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