Episode 16

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She turns to leave but he holds her wrist.

Sidharth: You didn't answer my question Shehnaaz.

Shehnaaz: What question?

Sidharth: Aren't you hiding love for me in your eyes? Your shyness, blush, concern, gaze and your heartbeats haven't gone unseen and unheard by me, Shehnaaz. Do you love me?

Shehnaaz: (heart was pounding) Are.. are those all signs of being in love? Because for me, everything is new.

Sidharth: Ask yourself and then answer me. (He leaves her hand)

Shehnaaz: ..and what if I ask you the same question? (Looking down at the floor)

Sidharth: I will answer you once I get your answer because I don't want my answer to influence your answer.

Shehnaaz: (thinks and looks up) will my answer influence your answer?

Sidharth: (smiles) No, it won't. I'll be honest (she goes to speak) ...and I am not calling you dishonest.

She smiles because he knew that she was going to question the same. She goes to kitchen and heats the food. Aadya was already asleep after eating her dinner. Shehnaaz had been waiting for Sidharth to come so that they could have their dinner together.

She serves the dinner and gets it to him. They sit together to eat. She was silent and he wanted to talk.

Sidharth: How is your finger now?

Shehnaaz: It wasn't hurting me. I have the habit of getting such cuts and burns. First time, I've put the band-aid just because you asked me to do so.

Sidharth: Thank you for caring for yourself for the first time.

Shehnaaz: It's not like that.. If I cry on smaller pains like this then I won't be able to handle bigger ones which life gives us.

Sidharth: You and Your Fundas!! Tell me one thing. I saw your old pictures in the phone. You had a long hair, why did you cut them. Don't you like long hair?

Shehnaaz: Who doesn't like long hair? I too like them but when your facial features become your own enemy, to save yourself, you have to sacrifice your features.

Sidharth: What?

Shehnaaz: I told you that day, single parenting isn't easy. Every men I met in my life just wanted to touch me and sleep with me. They took me for granted as if I was a public dust-bin on which "Use Me" was written. So one such incidence happened when Aadya was 7 months old and I chopped my hair.

Sidharth: Did it stop them? (Emotional)

Shehnaaz nods no.

Sidharth: Do you regret cutting them?

Shehnaaz: No.. not until today morning.

Sidharth: Why? What happened today morning?

Shehnaaz: I.. I felt I should look.. beautiful.. (she fumbled)

Sidharth: (smiled) You are beautiful.. very beautiful both inside and from outside..

Shehnaaz blushed. They were done with their dinner and she got up to go by carrying her plate.

Sidharth: Shehnaaz, why did you blush? Am I the reason you wanted to look beautiful?

Shehnaaz had her back facing him and she nodded yes and shyly went inside the kitchen. He picked up his plate and went behind her.

She kept the plate inside the sink and started washing her hands. Her breath hitched when she felt his breath touching her ears behind. He kept the plate and washed his hand.

Sidharth: (spoke softly near her ears) Shehnaaz, you don't have to cut your hair again. I am with you now. Dare anyone look at you alone, forget about touching. But, I would still say you look beautiful regardless.

Shehnaaz was delighted to hear those words. She shivered at the proximity though he didn't touch her. He moved back to an arm distance.

Sidharth: Shehnaaz, I googled for the procedure of marriage registration. I am joining my job from next week. Can we register it this week itself?

Shehnaaz: Huh? Hmmm. What documents are needed?

Sidharth: We need a photograph and a wedding card as proof of traditional marriage first because only then we get to register in one day. Else it's a one month procedure and needs witness too. I have to show Gunjan, my first wife's death certificate since I had registered my marriage with her earlier.

Shehnaaz had a different kind of ache listening to Gunjan's name.

Shehnaaz: Hmmm.. Are you okay with it?

Sidharth: Yes, I am. It's been over 3 years Shehnaaz and I think I am ready to heal myself now. I don't want to lose the family I have now. Lets get a photo of ourself in a marriage attire tomorrow and register it.

Shehnaaz: (looks at him) What does this marriage registration means to you? Would it just another document in the collection we have?

Sidharth: No! It's my lifetime commitment towards you and Aadya.

Shehnaaz: In that case, can we marry traditionally instead of just posing for a photo?

Sidharth: Yes, Are you ready for it?

Shehnaaz: Yes and it's an yes to your earlier question as well which you had asked me to think about.

Sidharth: You mean for the question "Do you love me?"

Shehnaaz: (nods) Yes, I do!

Sidharth: Let me now tell you my answer Shehnaaz. You brought me back to life, you gave me back a family, a reason to survive! I don't know if I love you that way yet. But I know that I have been wandering like a nomad and you are my home now.

You have done so much for me that no one else did it for me in my life not even Gunjan. I feel connected to you and Aadya. You might think how selfish I am, if I say I want be part of your life than I love you. I am happy being selfish.

I want to give you all the happiness in life you longed for in your life because I feel happy when you are happy and I feel excruciating pain when I see you in pain. I am not going to let those mere 3 words describe the vast amount of feelings I have for you because it's much more than that.

They hug each other whole heartedly.
The new house didn't have any bed so they both sleep on the mat beside each other along with Aadya.

Shehnaaz as usual rewinds all the events which happened whole day in her mind while Sidharth was already snoring softly.

I want to tell Aadya's papa everything tomorrow before marriage. The truth behind Aadya and myself. I can't let our relationship be built on foundation of false. I will let the fate decide the outcome of our relationship after this.

I am surprised how my life could change so drastically in these 5 days. When I got into the bus, I had no idea that the scary looking man covered in long beard would not only change my view on man but also become the love of my life. I hated being vulnerable. I didn't cry infront of anyone but I showed him tears and my scars giving by life

I am marrying him tomorrow ofcourse only if he decides to stay even after hearing the secret I've been hiding with him. He is all alone in his life now and I will complete his life.

She falls asleep dreaming about her marriage with the only man in her life who she loves.

To be continued.. ❤️❤️

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