a "angelic" protection.

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Y/ns pov:

It was the middle of the night hells red sky was brighter then ever and the demons down below were already doing their daily sinning.

I woke up at around 2:30 am, I guess I was that tired to not really care about myself.
My head was pounding and my stomach urged me to go into the bathroom. And I did...

Throwing up all the dinner from last night had made me feel just alittle better but I can't seem to get rid of pounding headaches.
"I should ask charlie or vaggie where some meds are." I say out loud to noone.

Grabbing my golden yellow cloak I put the hood of my head to cover my pale blue expression and my "cute" elf ears. I was not in the mood for teasing.

As I walk down the stairs and into the lobby I see a sillouette on the couch laying down, maybe sleeping.

I walk closer to the couch the sillouette was on and look over the couch, it was only angel.
He looked so peaceful when he slept there.
I had the urge to pet his head, I tried to keep it down, but I lost in the end and walk over the the couch to sit beside his sleeping form and start to pet his head.

He leaned into my touch, I guess he hasn't felt this affection in forever.
But as soon as I knew it he opened on of his eyes.
"O-oh! I'm sorry I though you were asleep and-" I try to explain but i was cut off by angel.

"It's fine toots, just don't stop...and maybe I'll let you off the hook" he says as me tries to wink with his one eye that was opened, but failing.

I giggle as I continue to pet his head, he reminds me of a cat in a way, his playful nature and swift movements.

I couldn't help but blush as I remembered what I was doing.
He seemed to be asleep again and I take my hand of his head.
He was definitely passed out.
My headache was gone after that, so I went up the stairs to go back into my room to fall sleep again.

---In angel dust's dream---

Angels pov:

I woke up on the couch groaning and stretching my arms and legs, I went to get up but a invisible force had kept me down, and just before I was able to sit up, I heard a gentle voice...and a devilish one.

Visions kept popping up in my head, they were all of y/n and alastor, then I remembered his plan, to use her for her power to steal and leave her for dead.
I wasn't going to let that happen to my new best friend.
So I got the control to sit up and look around before i hear the gentle voice again..
" Angel, please look up" the voice spoke to me.

I look up only to see a flashing ball of light before it was her, it was y/n!!

"Angel my darling, no matter what happens in your dreams, they won't come true in reality. I know you will find a way to stop alastor and get him to spare me.." she spoke again..
I loved the sound of her voice, and her bright baby blue skin, with her little elf ears. They are so adorable to me...

"Y/n as long as you are in my dreams..please tell me you don't trust alastor..."

"I don't know how I feel about him in reality, but you will find that out sooner then you think"...

She starting to disappear, I tried to catch her in my arms but all that was left was a cloud of white dust and I suddenly woke back up to reality.

I heard my angel y/ns voice one last time before passing out again.

"After all, you are under a angelic protection"...

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