mood exercises.

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y/ns pov:

Once I opened the lobby door...

It seems the only person that was actually in the lobby was alastor, I would guess vaggie and Charlie went to get the others to make sure they actually showed up.

husk was already at the bar, cleaning another glass from what I could tell. Walking up to one of the couches was when alastor finally noticed I was here.
The usual smile on his face seemed to curl on the corners as soon as he saw someone else.

"Hello my dear~"

alastor greeted me,
His eyes glow onto his face as he stares at me waiting for my answer.

"Morning Alastor"

I respond with a tired smile. It's hard to sleep when the shadow in my mirror comes into my dreams for days now. I'm used to it, I never had thought of it until this morning.

Ding ding!

the elevator door opens to show the lobby, I get off the couch before Alastor;  I feel Alastor is right behind me.

I wave to vaggie as I walk towards her,  nifty, and angel following close.

Once everyone was seated on the lobby couches, I decided to sit next to angel as alastor sat in his recliner.

The last one to show up was Charlie.
walking from the left of the old television and starts to talk.

"hi everyone so today this will be the first week for y/n... yay!!" she happily announces as people lazily clapped or groaned at the thought of more exercises.

I look up at angel and smiled, he smiled back at me while his eyes were closed. I look around as charlie speaks again. I feel eyes on me, so I look back at where Alastor sat and he just stared at me. I  shiver as I quickly stop looking.

"Okay so the first exercise is sharing something about each other, an introduction!"  charlie speaks up as Vaggie gets up from the couch and grabs a roll away planning board, leaving it to the right of her. 

"what kind of bullshit is this?" husk said out taking a swig of his drink.

"husker don't be a downer! I'm sure this will be a great exercise!" Alastor tells husk putting a hand off his shoulder while husk shoves it off.

"Exactly alastor, maybe we can be comfortable around each other, we might some things in common more than we think." Vaggie explained, crossing her arms as a small frown remained on her lips.

" Babes this is hell, there's not a lot of things we can trust each other with, let alone have common with other than sin".

Angel pointed out, waving his arms around. His second set of arms messing with husk as husk claws at angels hands as he tucked his wings behind him when he turned to face the playful angel with a frown.

"Well I think it's a wonderful idea, you guys...

I'm sure we have something we all can relate to."

I pat nifty's head, a hope look on my face.
I'm hoping that this goes quickly, I really don't feel like being vulnerable in front of someone like alastor for today.

What would a so called monster like him have in common with me anyways..
------------------end chapter---------------

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