1. He Accidentally Hits you

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You and Michael were playing Mario Kart, and he was sitting right up next to you, and unfortunately he was winning. When he came to the last lap around the course, you were just getting to your second lap. When finally he won 1st place, he threw his arms up and his elbow hit you right on the boob.

You hissed in pain and his face softened and became red. He then said "Oh fuck [Y/N] I'm so so sorry! Do you want me to go buy some ice cream and we cuddle the rest of the day?"

You playfully rolled your eyes and said back "No, I want to beat you at fucking Mario Kart!"

He laughed and the rest of the day you two played Mario Kart until you beat him, even though he kept saying that he "let you win".


Ashton and Michael were playing ping pong, and you decided it would be funny to scare Ashton. You crept up behind him and put your finger to your lips telling Michael not to say anything. You got closer and closer, and then all of a sudden Ashton pulls up his hand with the ping pong paddle in it and it hits you hard in the face.

You scream in pain as you clutch your face and fall on the ground. Ashton looks alarmed when he turns around sits on the ground holding you. "[Y/N] I'm so sorry for hitting you! Are you okay? Do we need to take you to the hospital? Is your nose bro-"

You cut him off by saying "Ashton, I'm okay, but I might have a black eye. I'll just cover it up with make up. Everyone knows you would never hurt me on purpose, and it was my fault for trying to scare you. I'm fine, really." It all still really hurt but you held it together.

He kisses your forehead, "Okay, I love you," and you reply "I love you too." He giggles that adorably perfect giggle and stands up pulling you up with him. Then you and him share this amazing kiss.


You and Calum decided to go to the beach today, so you both got into your bathing suits and got into his car. People were driving very slowly in front of you two and Calum started getting annoyed.

When the car in front of you stopped very abruptly the first thing Calum did was stop the car and put his arm out to hold you so you don't go flying. His arm hit you rather hard on your boobs and you squeal painfully. He giggles a little bit and his face turns bright red.

"I'm sorry boo, I didn't want you to get hurt," he says and kisses your cheek.

You smile as the pain goes away and realise how lucky you are to have this Ching Chong in your life.


You were cuddling in your shared bed with Luke. He then fell asleep in your arms. Some muffled snores came out of his slightly open mouth. You smile at the sight of him right now.

You leaned over to sweetly kiss his lips. As you kissed him his eyes open and his hand comes up and smack you in the face. You come off of him and look at him sadly.

His face softened "[Y/N] I'm so sorry I was having a dream where I was talking to a fan and she leaned in really quick and you kissed me. I thought you were the fan. I'm so sorry babe," he looked down sadly.

"Aw babe it's okay, I didn't know. It was an accident, and I didn't know," I giggled.

okay hi i haven't written in a while but now it's gonna be regular and I'm not gonna post for a while again (maybe a week) bc im gonna post a lot of them at once so yeah:)

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