11 : The Rain Was Needed

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The rain started again. The wind is freezing.
-"ehm ehm, I think it's so cold and I'm gonna freeze to death."(Y/N)
-"Yeah me too."(Jungkook)
-"It's an irony that no one will give me anything to put on so that don't die."
-"I'm gonna die too."
Suddenly Y/N remembers something and takes out a warm cloth from her bag.
-"I forgot that I brought this warm shawl and it was in a zipper bag so it's not wet."(Y/N)
-"Look who's dumb. How can you forget this in this situation? Share it with me. Both of our clothes are wet."
-"What if I don't?"
-"I beg you. I'm really gonna die! Wait, why am I begging? I saved you. You owe me. Let's just help each other and rest for a bit. Then we'll try to go back. I think everyone is worried for us. Sit here."
Y/N pouts and sits on a big stone. Jungkook took the shawl from her and sat beside her. Both of them put on the shawl.
Y/N realised that she's lost.
-"Aish... This is so frustrating! The rain, my wet clothes, no one's around, an unknown anxiety... It's like hell!!!"
-"Hey! Aren't you Y/N? You got lost too?!? finally I found someone."(Jungkook)
Jungkook was so tired and weak that he couldn't walk properly. He slowly tried to reach Y/N. Y/N fell in water again. Jungkook pulled her up.
-"The water is very cold! Let's go there."(Jungkook)
-"You got lost too?"
-"I went to check mine and Taehyung's backpack if they are okay. But I lost my path cause it was raining a lot."
-"I also came to my bag. I found it somehow. But now I'm lost."
-"Let's wait till the rain stops."
         [End of flashback]
Y/N was looking on the ground making an emotionless face. Drops of water were dropping from her hair. It was bothering Jungkook.
-"Can you tie your hair?"
-"My hairbands are all wet. I also don't have any hairclips."
-"Tie it with a wet one. I don't think it is a big problem." *Jungkook Takes a hairband from her bag's side pocket and starts to tie her hair."
-"You don't have to do that, I have my own hands."
-"It's done."
Y/N looked at him. They made an eye contact. Jungkook and Y/N stared at each other's eyes for a few minutes without thinking anything. It felt like they said something to each other without saying anything. The eye contact made their minds connected too. Y/N leaned her head in his shoulder. Jungkook also put his head on hers. They stayed like this for half an hour. The rain was gone.
-"I think we should go back now. I'm pretty sure they're finding us."(Y/N)
-"I think that too. Let's get up."
She raised her head and looked at Jungkook. He absentmindedly touched her face.
They started to walk holding on each other. After walking for sometime, They saw Taehyung at a distance.
-"Hey, you guys are here! Let's go there. Rayna noona is gonna treat us coffee." *Taehyung runs away without listening anything.*
They followed Taehyung and reached where everyone was.
-"So we are all together, no one's missing. Right?"(Jin)
-"Y/N-ah I wanna discuss a thing with you."(Della)
-"Why aren't you asking where was I? You guys don't even know I got lost?"(Y/N)
-"What? You got lost?"(Anisa)
Y/N glares at them.
-"A-actually both of us are passing a shocking moment, so...*smiles awkwardly* I forgot everything for a second."(Della)
-"And what type of shocking moment was it?"(Y/N)
-"I'll tell you later"
-"Do whatever you want, I don't care." *smiles*
-"Hey! What happened? Why is that stupid mouth of yours smiling?(Anisa)
-"Don't know."(Y/N)
-"I'm not gonna talk to you ever."(Jungkook)
-"I thought you were worried for me, but you don't even know that I got lost. If I knew that no one is looking for us, we would come a bit more later." *pouts*
-"Really? You and Y/N got lost? But wait, why would you come later?*suspicious face* Yaah! Why didn't you tell me anything? Tell me what's going on?"(Taehyung)
-"What? Nothing. Even if it is, why would I tell you?" *smirks*
-"Are you guys done talking? Can we go?"(Rayna)
-"Yes, let's go!"(Taehyung)

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