We almost lost him...

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It was mattia....
i was confused because i had told him i was staying at ales. I picked up anyways cause i wasn't going to be a bitch.
Y/N: hello?
I heard sniffles and sobs
Mattia: Y/N...
Y/N: yes..?
i didn't want to mention mattias name because i didn't want ale getting mad or anything.
Mattia: i'm sorry for calling but.... (he cried out) can you please come home i need you right now and i have no body else to go to.
Y/N: hey don't worry about it yeah for sure i'm on my way
Mattia: thank you so much
Y/N: mhm i'll be there soon
i hung up, something was wrong i could sense it i started having anxiety
Y/N: babe i'm sorry i won't be able to stay tonight mirna wants me home something came up can you drop me off.
Ale: yeah for sure don't worry about it i'll pick you up tomorrow so we can hang
Y/N: okay sounds like a plan
i fake smile, i was hoping mattia was okay. Yes what he did to me was fucked up but he was still family. I had to be there for him cause i know he would do that for me to if i needed him. Ale went to his crib since we were driving my car. He went out and i got out the car to i walked him to his door and we looked at eachother.
Ale: babe i had i really fun time tonight and i'm so happy that i can call you mine now
Y/N: You made me really happy today ale thank you for tonight. I'm so happy that i'm with you. You treat me so well just don't hurt me and make me regret it
i giggle out
Ale: i promise beautiful i would never hurt your precious soul
I smile and we have a long kiss. We pull away and  i hug him.
Y/N: goodnight baby
Ale: Goodnight beautiful
With that he went inside and i ran to my car and got in as quickly as possible and drove off quickly. Not that it wasn't suspicious at all heh. Anyways i finally arrived i got all my stuff went inside dropped everything on the floor and went down stairs to his room. I saw him there with red puffy eyes and a bottle of pills. I ran over to him and slapped them out his hand.
Y/N: No mattia!
i said i grabbed his face gently to make them look at me. I stood him up and hugged him tightly as he hugged back and broke down crying we both dropped to the floor and i let him cry in my arms.
He sobbed and sobbed, i started to cry cause i never seen him like this.
Y/N: why mattia?
Mattia: i'm in pain y/n....
he cried
Y/N: what's causing this pain mattia talk to me forget about everything in the past tell me how you feel talk to me your my family.
Mattia: everything y/n i can't handle it, i want all this pain and hurt to end. I can't do anything right. I disappoint my fans, i fuck up friendships, i hurt you and i can't even make my family proud i'm in so much pain and i never told anyone because i thought it was stupid. My smile has faded i don't have my smile no more. It's always been a fake smile that fools everyone. No ones here for me like i want them to be. I feel so alone and useless and i feel like a disappointment. Let me die y/n it'll make the world happy and you'll finally be happy without me.
Y/N: no mattia you can't do that to me. You can't leave me here alone. I need you mattia your my bestfriend, My first love your not leaving if you go i go. Don't be stupid mattia, you know how much it would hurt, your family will be devastated and i'll be devastated. Mattia i am so beyond proud of you. You are such a strong guy. You stand tall and you never give up. That's what i like about you. Your such a goofy bright person. So what if your fans can't expect the fact that people make mistakes and that your just a regular teenager living life learning things on a daily. What matters is that your family is with you, your friends are with you, i'm with you. And if you leave our worlds will shatter apart, you can't do that to us. I won't even get out of bed if you leave a part of me would be dead. Please mattia don't go your time isn't now. I want you here.
He sobbed more and hugs me tightly i rub is back and play with his hair.
Mattia: i'm so sorry y/n, i'm sorry i ever hurt you, i'm sorry that i led you on, i'm so fucking sorry. I love you so much and i hate myself for ever hurting you like that.
Y/N: i forgive you mattia, i always will, you welcomed me into this family and ill never forget that your my family and i'm always going to be here for you and luca. Now come on no more crying wipe those tears and let me see that smile of yours also give me a proper hug you goof.
He smiled big and giggled and i grew a smile finally seeing him laugh. We both got up i wiped his tears and cupped his face.
Y/N: No more crying okay, when ever you need someone you come straight to me you got it, or else i'll beat your ass.
He giggles and smiles brightly while bringing me in for a huge bear hug. We pull away and smile.
Mattia: thank you
Y/N: Anytime dino, now let's watch a movie.
Mattia: deal
We go upstairs and sit on the couch while we scroll to look for a movie.
Y/N: soooo
Mattia: i don't know you tell me, how are you and ale?
Y/N: well he took me on a picnic and asked me out and i said yes and then took me out to eat.
Mattia: really!! i'm so so happy for you
Y/N: Thank you, how about you and vic anything new
Mattia: well we're talking i'm thinking about asking her out but i don't know yet.
Y/N: do you like her
Mattia: i mean yeah of course but i don't know
Y/N: Mattia if you like her you'd know, Like if you see a notification from her and your heart does a little drop or she makes you nervous or she puts a smile on your face. Yes she's ales ex but if you truley like her go for it. Do what makes you happy don't worry about the rest. Focus on your self not what the world wants for you. You can't control how you feel. If you feel like you like her go for it. Don't let your friends, me or the world stop you from making yourself happy.
He smiled big again
Mattia: your right thank you y/n that means a lot. I'm happy that you can understand me and give me advice when i need a little push.
Y/N: No problem mattia i'm always here
We begun watching a movie "Lost in Space", the movie finally finished.
Y/N: see if he were to die i might have cried and be devistated for the girl cause damn they were in love what the fuck.
Mattia: No because i actually started crying cause i thought he was gonna die
Y/N: you crying over a movie, NEVERRRRR, where is mattia?
He chuckled
Mattia: get your ass up and go to bed
he said giving me a nuggy
Y/N: heyyyy you stupid dinosaur that hurt
we both laughed and i pushed him then we went to our rooms.
Mattia: good night
Y/N: good night dino

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