Beach Day with the Boys :)

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Kairi had yelled at robert once he stepped out his house.
Kairi: oh and btw your shotgun
He nodded and hopped into the passangers seat which he was greeted by me.
Y/N: hi :)
Rob: oh hi there!
He turned around and said hi to the others as well
Y/N: We are going to the beach the boys already wearing there swim wear except the three that just landed did you grab yours
Rob: oh uh no is it okay if i go grab it
I nod my head, he walks in and grabs them and then comes back.
Y/N: alright first off we going to go eat, where y'all wanna go
Rob: chick fil a?
Mattia: pizza?
Ale: Popeyes
Roshaun: McDonald's
Alvaro: Wendy's
Kairi: Burger King
Y/N: okay everyone wants to go different places I'll let Siri decide everyone give me a number from 1-6
Rob: 1
Mattia: 4
Ale: 6
Kairi: 2
Roshaun: 3
Alvaro: 5
Y/N: Siri pick a number from 1-6
Siri: 1
Y/N: alright chick fil a it is
Rob: ayyee okay
We drove to chick fil a while listening to music we had finally arrived and I parked the car. All the boys rushed inside but Robert stayed behind and waited for me to get all my stuff and lock my car. Once I was done we walked together.
Y/N: hi :)
Rob: hey
Y/N: you know you didn't have to wait
Rob: I know but I didn't want you to be alone while all the others ran inside.
Y/N: thanks
He nodded
Y/N: Robert can I ask you something
Rob: mhmm
Y/N: do you ever feel left out from the group
He just looked away
Y/N: you do, don't you?
He looked back at me and nodded his head, I hugged him I know the feeling and it really sucks
Y/N: I'm sorry, hey look if you ever want to hang out let me know okay I know the feeling of being left out and it sucks so if your ever bored let me know we can always hang
He smiled big
Rob: thank you
Y/N: ofc bestie, shhh don't tell roshaun I called you bestie he'll kill me because I only call him that
Rob: okay
We both laughed as we entered chick fil a and the boys were already at the table which I'm guessing they already ordered. Me and rob walked to the front and ordered our food and then sat at a table next to the boys since there wasn't space for the both of us at their table. They all looked at us but then went back on their phones except kai he came over and sat with us.
Kai: hey
Y/N: hi
Rob: sup
We talked for a bit until they called our order. We got our food and began eating.


❤️ Liked by polybioh, hirokysen, arosario69, robertgeorges and 1,678 othersY/N

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❤️ Liked by polybioh, hirokysen, arosario69, robertgeorges and 1,678 others
Y/N.Spam eating out with the whole squad :)
View all 453 comments
Robertgeorges yessir!
Hirokysen hehe 🤩
Arosario69 beach vibes later
Y/N.Spam @arosario69 hell yeah
User09 can I have friends like yours
Editz.jboys you already know I'm finna make hella editz better post pics or vids together
Y/N.Spam @editz.jboys bet I gotchu
10 minutes ago

We were all talking and laughing.
Kairi: okay so your telling me this is your first time eating out
Y/N: yes
Rob: so you never been to a fast food restaurant
Y/N: I've been to McDonald's that's it
Kairi: that's impossible
Y/N: that's what you get with strict parents
I looked at mattia who was listening in on us and he made a frown because he knew why I didn't have opportunities like them. For example going out with friends, eating out, etc.
Rob: okay have you ever went to a highschool party or a birthday party or any type of party
I shook my head no
Kairi: wow I feel bad for you
Y/N: I feel bad for me too
I sigh
Y/N: will you guys excuse me I have to use the bathroom
I got up and went into the bathroom a tear fell from my face. I didn't have opportunities like most teens have. It's hard being stuck in a house with your parents who really don't let you do anything. But hey I'm used to it I guess. I wiped my tears and cleaned my self up and walked out to see mattia standing their. Without any hesitation he pulled me into a hug. He whispered
Mattia: I'll make sure you have the best summer okay please don't cry
I hugged him tighter. He looked around making sure their was no one watching and lifted my chin then bent down to peck my lips. I smiled and hugged him once more.
Mattia: we should go before the boys suspect something but you go first since you left first
I nod and leave then 2 minutes later he comes back.
Y/N: alright boys ready to go
They all nod and get up to leave, we get in the car and drive off.
Y/N: alright first we are going to drop off ale, alvarito, and roshaun at roshaun and ales house so they can put their luggages away and get ready for the beach and the rest of us are going to the mall because i need to buy a bikini since i uh forgot mine back home.
Mattia: fine by me
Ale: alright
Rob: bet lets go
Y/N: Alright let the fun begin
We all chuckle
I drive them to their house with them obviously giving me directions since i had no idea where they lived except mattia, we finally arrive they get out and we drive to the mall. As we enter the boys are already getting noticed.
????: omg wait are you y/n
Y/N: yes hi
????: omg your so pretty, can i make a tiktok with you
Y/N: aww thank you ofc you can, here mattia can you record us
Mattia: yeah sure

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