Chapter 4

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(A/N) Sorry I haven't been updating I have been really busy with you know stuff and ummm yeah so here is chapter 4 :) sorry for any mistakes updating on an iPod is painful


Niall's P.O.V

The boys left me and Ariel alone after they realised I wouldn't forgive them. Liam looked the most hurt but he wasn't the one that got beat up by his friends while his BEST friend, more like brother, just watched. It was his mistake.

They had to do a couple more tests on Ariel so I waited in the chairs outside the room in the hall. I was getting worried after an hour past. They said they only had a few tests! I was tapping my foot on the tiled floor starting to grow impatient, when she walked out followed by a nurse. The nurse turned to me quizzically.

"Are you Mr. Horan?" I nodded telling her to continue. "It turns out Ariel has a broken rib and bruised muscles. And may I speak to you in private?" I looked at Ariel but her head was still down from when she came out. I followed the nurse down the hall when we stopped just out of Ariel's hearing range.

The nurse turned to me slowly with a worried face." Do you know why Ariel has scars on her wrist?" She asked slowly. I gasped. Could mine and the boys' actions what caused this? Why would she do that to her self? I asked myself I started to panic, with wide eyes. I took deep breathes and the nurse was trying to calm me. Could I have done this to her? I took one last breath and started to calm down. That's when I ran. I ran back to Ariel's room and slammed the door open. I saw her jump off the bed and back into the far corner of the room and sat on the floor whimpering, bringing her knees to her chest. I took a step forward and she started to shake.

"Ariel" I whispered barely loud enough for her to hear. She lifted her head still shaking with tear stained cheeks. I took another step and she put her head back down. "Ariel I'm not going to hurt you" I whispered again.

This time she put her head up and we legs slide so they were straight out infront of her. I reached out my hand to help her up but she flinched."Please dot hurt me" she whispered. I kneeled infront of her lifting her chin up with my pointer finger, making her look me in the eyes.

"I wouldn't even think of it" I gave her a small but meaningful smile which she returned. This time when I reached out to help her up she took my hand.

Ariel's P.O.V

I took Niall's hand and he pulled me off the ground as if I weighed nothing, and pulled me into his arms once again. "Why are you being nice to me? I thought you hated me." He looked down at me in his arms "Why would I hate you? I could never hate you Ariel. Never." He smiled at me but I was still confused.

I pulled out of his grip looking into his blue eyes. I swear I could get lost in them. " Then why did you hurt me?" I asked taking a step away from him. "This is all an act isn't it Niall? You don't care, and never did. You just want someone to like you, and trust you so you can hurt them, and betray them. Isn't that right?!?" My voice rising with every sentence.

"No Ariel that's not at all what my intentions are. I'm being nice because I like you okay? Don't ever think I would hurt you ever again." That's when I started crying. But thankfully Niall was there to hold me. I think he actually cares. "I love you." Niall whispered into my hair, I don't think I was supposed to hear that, so I just let it drop.


We checked out and Niall said he was going to take me home and I froze, for 2 reasons.

1. I was terrified to go home and get beaten by my dad


2. The four boys that hurt me for the past 8 years were walking towards me and Niall with evil grins on their faces, well all but Liam.

Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me to walk behind him. I squeezed his hand scared to death. " Hey boys look what's coming this way." I heard Louis say to the others laughing. "It's baby Nialler and his little girlfriend" he said mockingly. Niall glared at him, his look full of hatred. It scared me how fast and how much Niall hated them. He didn't fight them, he just pushed past them pulling me after. " Awww come on Niall, to scared to fight?' That's what got to him.

Niall turned around slowly, his glare hardening. I tried to turn him around but he wouldn't budge. "Niall come on its not worth it." I kept repeating. He looked down at my face, and seeing how scared I was he decided to not scare me anymore and we started walking away. I heard them cracking up behind us but I just kept repeating for Niall to ignore them.

We reached Niall's car only a few minutes later, my hand still intertwined with his. The drive to my house from the hospital was quiet and awkward. But the whole ride Niall never let go of my hand. When he pulled up to my house I squeezed his hand out of fear, looking up at my house. Tears threatened to fall onto my cheeks. "What's wrong Ariel?" Niall was worried, I had no idea why.

"I-I'm scared to go in...." I trailed off while the first few tears fell. God I needed to stop crying so much, i must look weak and thats the last thing i want. I let my head fall into my hands, Niall stroked my hair comfortingly. "Nobody Is gonna hurt you in there Ariel." He tried to reassure me,but I knew it was a lie.

"You don't understand Niall, they will hurt me in there." I managed to squeak out. He gave me a shocked, confused look. Of course he didn't understand. I shook my head telling him to forget about it and stated getting out of his car but he pulled me back in. "Ariel you can trust me you know, please tell me what's going on." The look on his face caused me to sigh and give into telling him.

I told him everything about how I made my sister move in with my grandparents so she wouldn't get hurt. How my mom wouldn't even try to protect me because she was scared if getting herself hurt. Then how Niall and the boys started hurting me and it all got worse.

Somewhere from where I started and when I finished Niall started crying. "Niall," I said gently, "why are you crying?" Was it something I said? What if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore? What if I messed up everything?

"It's just that you had such a terrible life, and then me and the boys had to come and ruin it even more. I so sorry please forgive me?" He sounded desperate. I looked into his tear filled right blue eyes and felt myself nod, as if I was hypnotized by his eyes. (lol that rhymes sorry had to say it) His face lit up and pulled me into a hug. I took this all in, Niall was nice, he liked me, and I just told him my 'terrible' life story. What has gotten into me!

"You don't EVER have to go back in there," he said pulling away just enough to look me in the eyes. "You can stay with me!" He exclaimed excitedly. I laughed at him but then turned serious.

"Niall, I don't have any clothes and my dad will come and try to find me and if he finds me with you then he will hurt you-" Niall cut me off with a kiss. Niall just kissed me. On the mouth. Today was the weirdest day ever.


Hey sorry it took so long I literally wrote this 3 times because my iPod kept deleting it grrrr it was painful so I will write chapter 5 if I get 7 votes on this one sooo yeah :) I and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Everything has Changed *A Niall Horan fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now