Chapter 6

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Gingerpaw and Oakpaw were sitting under the high rock. "Gingerpaw, Oakpaw, do you promise to uphold and defend the warrior code, even at the costs of your life?" Gingerpaw and Oakpaws eyes were shining with anticipation. "I do." They said in unison. "Then by the power of Starclan, I give you your warrior names, Gingerheart and Oakstripe." The clan cheered the new warriors names. During the half moon that was left for thier warrior ceremonies, Silverpaw got her medicine cat name, Silverleaf. Frostbliss has been pregnant, and her kits could come any day now. Brackenclaw is getting older, and is probably going to retire soon. Oakstripe had taken an eye on Hailfall, and Gingerheart got closer to Blacktail. "Gingerheart, before you start your watch tonight, we need you on a border patrol." Gingerheart turned around and nodded to Flamerise. She padded out of camp and followed the patrol to the StreamClan border. Gingerheart smelled a cat and she tensed up. The others saw her and they were more alert. Gingerheart smelled someone farmiliar. "Who's there?" A cat peeked out from behind the reeds. She looked at Gingerheart and Gingerheart looked at the cat. Another cat joined the younger cat. Birchfall, leading a hunting patrol stopped and her eyes brimmed with tears. "Snowburst!" The cat called Snowburst looked over and her eyes brimmed with tears as well. "Birchfall!" They stopped and looked around. Gingerheart looked at Snowburst, then back to Birchfall. "We would like some time alone everyone." Flamerise and the rest of the cats nodded and padded away. "Ok, so, siblings finally looking at each other. Not that surprising." Snowburst and Birchfall nodded. "But who's she?" She points her tail at the younger cat still standing there. "Oh this is my daughter, Maplerise." Gingerheart tensed up, and stepped back, staring at her paws. "And this is my daughter, Gingerheart. I guess Gingerheart and Maplerise are cousins..." She trailed off, still shocked. "Does Gingerheart have a brother? Cause I have a brother as well, his name is Owlfur." Gingerheart looked up, surprised that Maplerise was talking. "Yes, his name is Oakstripe." Maplerise and Gingerheart mrowed of laughter. "So, what brings you two here?" Maplerise and Snowburst looked down. "We- Uh- we got kicked out of StreamClan, Owlfur backed is up, but he also got kicked out." A moment later another cat, stronger than the rest came out. "Is there any trouble here?" Snowburst looked at Owlfur and shook her head. "We're just talking to our family." Owlfur looked confused, but looked at Gingerheart to Maplerise. "Oh. Well, just so you should know, we got kicked out because of the two-legs. They have taken some of our territory, so the clan decided we should leave." Gingerheart sighed, but her ears perked up. "I'm sure Hallowstar would let you guys join. I hope."

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