On the Way

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They have been on the trip to Denromi for three hours, but the trip is a little over five days. Karma is in the seating area with Clara, Luke, Ezra, and Kaden. It is the only space big enough for multiple people to train. Karma is sitting on the sofa. They have moved table to create more space. Ezra and Clara are standing back to back with their lightsabers with helmets blocking their vision. They are to use the force and teamwork to keep the blaster training drone from hitting either of them. Clara has been successful in blocking each shot from hitting her and Ezra, but Ezra is having trouble focusing. Karma ordered Kaden and Luke to watch and learn from the padawans to see what they need to teach. As they continue, Kaden is wincing each time Ezra doesn't block the blaster stun bolt from hitting himself or Clara. After the next bolt hits Clara, she uses the force to turn off the drone and takes off her helmet. She turns to Ezra and takes off his helmet after he turns off his lightsaber. She then takes his hands and says, "You are focusing too much on where the drone is. You need to predict where it will be next before it decides and shoots. Will you let me show you?" Ezra looks into Clara's eyes, someone so much younger than him, but with so much insight. He nods and she puts on her helmet and nods to Karma. She smiles and turns on the drone. Before starting the training, she says, "Now, watch carefully. She is going to pull us into her aura and show us her process." She starts the training and sits back down. As the drone starts to move, Clara pulls everyone in the room into her "mind" as she calls the space. The room around them turns into a floor in outerspace. They are all there and when they look at Clara's face, all her features are their but with no eyes. She has her lightsaber in hand and is swaying to some kind of song. It starts to play in the space around them and when a dramatic parts starts, the drone fires and she blocks it in the middle to the part. As the song continues, the dramatic parts start at random and she blocks each bolt that comes her way. At the end of the twenty minute session, the song slows to a stop, the drone fires, she blocks, and the session ends. The space turns back into the sitting area and she takes off the helmet. She turns off the her lightsaber and kneels/falls to the ground out of breathe. Karma races to her side with a cup of water and helps her sip from it. She helps Clara up and to the sofa. She then says, "Clara is one of my strongest with the force. The first time she pulled me in it, she was having a nightmare. To help her out of the nightmare, we started training in the space. It helped her to control her dreams and strengthened her connection to the force itself. Normally, I would be helping her sustain the room, but I knew that she did not want the help this time. She wanted to show you all what the force is capable of. Did you all learn something?" She turns her gaze onto Kaden and Ezra, both standing in shock. Karma puts the empty cup down on the table with with force and positions herself so that Clara can sleep easily. Clara lays down with her head on Karma's lap with Karma stroking her hair. She falls asleep in a matter of minutes. Karma whispers, "I think now is a good time take a break from training." Luke begins to move the table back to its place infront of the sofa when Ezra whispers, "No! I want to practice more. I want to get this. She is so cool, I want to be as good as her." Karma smiles and nods to Luke to leave the table where it is. Luke hands Ezra the helmet he was wearing and puts it on the way that Clara was wearing after adjusting it. They train for another three hours and by the end of the training, Ezra can sense where the drone is and deflect the bolts. They stop training for the day and Ahsoka comes in with lunch. Karma gently wakes up Clara and they all eat. After eating, Karma heads up to the cockpit to take over watch duty of the controls. She will be on duty until midnight. Every other hour, Clara or Ahsoka goes to check on her. They are talking about their experiences with the others in the sitting room. They relax for now because they know they won't be able to later.

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