Padawan's Choice

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"This place is amazing, I wonder how many crystals are in here?", Clara questions as she and three of her best friends seperate from the rest of the group. Achuba, a Wookie, is staring at the walls. "Do you think that there are any in here? All I see is solid ice.", he says with disbelief and a hit of awe. Jenni, a Gungan, jumps on Achuba's back and says, " Of course there are crystals in here, don't you feel them. They are all around us, but they are for us, ours are somewhere else." She jumps off and skips a little ahead. Clyde, a Togruta, is ahead of them all. He then stops, causeing the others to bump into him. He says, we are going to have to split up. Look..." The others look in front of him and find that the corridor splits into four ahead, five total it you count the one they came from. Clara investigates a little of the walls of each corridor. She says, "They are all identical to the one we came from. Maybe we should use the force to decide which path we go down." The others nod in unison. They stand next to each other on front of the four corridors and use the force. Achuba and Jenni point to the far right corridor. Clara points to the middle left and Clyde points to the middle right. They open their eyes to see where they pointed. "Well, we have choosen our paths.", Clyde says uncomfortablily. Clara pulls him in for a hug and Achuba and Jenni join in. Clara whispers,"See you all at the exit." She pulls away and walks down her choosen corridor, the others follow suit down their choosen corridors, curious about what they will find.

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