Allies -Chapter 2

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I was very confused about what was happening, these people seemed nice and that but still I had no clue about what was going on

"So.. what am I supposed to do" I said, still confused but trying to sound confident. I definitely failed on that part

"So your supposed to do this training course that everyone on the ninja team has beaten." 'Cole' said while pushing a button in the 'monestary' "I'm warning you! It's not as easy as it looks"

"That's it? Alright I can do that" i said while looking at the obstacle infront of me.

As I tried beating the first one I slipped and fell backwards. I have never been this humiliated in my life

"Agh, Fucking hell, what's this floor made out of?" I asked while grunting on the floor. "Uh rock I guess?" Lloyd said

I got up, scratched my head and tried again this time it went a bit smoother except I didn't see the figure infront of me that slapped me in the face, taking me aback but still continuing, until I fell again. This time face first.

"I think you should give up, we're gonna be here all day" Nya said. "No way! I can do it, I may not be that talented but hell am I stubborn.

And this went on for the whole day, failing miserably until I couldn't walk any more.

"Are you still trying?" Kai asked giving me a cocky grin before stating "I did it on my first try you know" he said while flexing his muscles

"No you didn't" said Jay from behind him startling Kai and me

"You fell even more than (Y/N)! I remember master wu getting annoyed of you" Master wu... I recognize that name.. but from where?

"Who's master wu?" I asked getting a little curious. I had to know.

"Master wu was our leader before Lloyd. He recruited us and was the one that got us to a team. But the time twins got him in to a portal now lost in time. We have been trying to find him for some time now." Said Kai

"I recognize his name. Do you know if he had something to do with my father?" I asked

Jays eyes widened before saying "Yeah! Morro was Master Wus first student!"

I looked into the sky while saying "so that's why I recognize his name.."

Jay then builded up the courage to ask "How much do you remember your father?"

"I probably know just as much as you do if not less. But he used to tell me about the green ninja and master wu, except in his story, wu was in the wrong and he was in the right"

"I don't expect for you to trust me. But I hope that you will try. I always had an idea that my father wasn't good. But I was hoping at least he had some good in himself"

"I'm gonna go to sleep now. My head hurts, do you know where i will spend the night?" I asked

"Lloyd knows, he's in the living room with Cole. And (Y/N).. welcome to the team" Kai said while smiling

"Thank you" I said while returning him a closed mouth smile

I went inside heading to the living room looking for Lloyd. He was on the couch along with Cole. I think they were playing a game.

"Hey Lloyd?" I asked, he turned around while whispering "I'll be back in like 5 minutes" to Cole which he nodded to.

"Hey (Y/N) what's up?" He asked

"Just wondering where I'm gonna sleep. Kai said you know" I said looking around a bit.

"Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to tell you" he said with an awkward smile

"No problem.. so can you show me?" I asked a little uncomfortable

"Yeah sure it's this way" he said walking with me

"So how are you liking it here so far" he asked

"It's a pretty nice monestary. Although I'm not getting along with Nya so well"

"Nya can be like that sometimes. She's just a bit.. independent. And this isn't a monestary"

"It isn't? Then what is it?"

"Apparently it used to be where Master yang trained his students. But I wouldn't call it a monestary"

"Oh I know master Yang! He created airjitzu!" I  said with a surprised look

"Yeah! How did you know that?"

"While looking for my father I found out about a lot of ninjagos history. So you could say I'm an expert on all things ninjago!"

"Well. Where here! This is the guest room that we're gonna renovate into your room!" Lloyd said

"Thank you so much for taking me in!" I said while bowing. "I really appreciate what you're all doing for me!"

"It's no problem. Make yourself at home and ask if you need something" Lloyd said

I stared into his eyes for a while. Why does this boy has such nice eyes...

"Oh I needed to ask. When are we going to start with the air thingy training?" I said

"As soon as you have completed the first obstacle" Lloyd stated

"That thing is a pain in the ass. How did any of you complete it?"

"It took many days for the others but I never did it" Lloyd said

"Huh? Why I thought everyone did"

"The only reason you do it is because you learn how to use spinjitzu with it. Don't worry you'll get there. It took many try's for the others to do it I'm sure you'll make it!"

"Well thanks. I'm gonna go to bed now, I'm exhausted after falling that many times"

"Good night (Y/N)."

"Good night Lloyd"

So this is the second chapter of my story! I'm so happy that we got to 32 views on the first chapter! I'm gonna try to make as much time as possible to write! Good thing is that I have summer break in like 2 weeks so that I can write more! Thank you all for reading the first chapter I'm so grateful and I hope you like this chapter! This was more of a filler chapter but it's part of building relationships. Earlier I said that this was placed just before season 8. But it's more of like a month after season 7 final. Don't worry there will be a time skip!

1069 words

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