The jade princess -Chapter 6

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We're leaving to go to the royal palace for the emperors speech, we're going to be staying there for some time. I can't believe it. I went from living on the street to staying at a ROYAL palace.

I look over at Lloyd and he smiles at me, I smile back. Me and Lloyd are close. A couple of months ago he confessed his feelings for me. I wasn't surprised, after he confessed I told him that he had to get over me. I told him that we need to be professional so that we can work together. A month ago he told me that he was over me. I wasn't happy, why? You might ask and well. I developed feelings for him. At first I only saw him as a close friend. But now I can't get my eyes away from him.

I'm regretting rejecting Lloyd. Whatever, the emperors speech is starting

"As many of you know, my family has kept a private life we aren't interested in meddling with your affair, but as crime has risen, so has our concern. So it is time to step out of the shadows and into the light"

"I don't like this one bit, if the royal family likes their privacy, why give such a public speech?" Nya and I have grown close to, closer than me and Lloyd since were the only females in the group

"I agree, something big is about to happen, I can feel it" I state. There's something shady about the royal family, I don't know what or who.. but I don't like it

"I think it's nice. They're reaching out to the people" jay than says until Kai interrupts. I don't like Kai all that much. But I care about him a lot. It's complicated. Jay is funny. Sometimes and I like to joke with him

"Why all the hate girls? You guys just don't like to get gussied up" Kai says

"All that gold and glitter is for show, the royal family are figureheads" Nya says and I interrupt her saying "they don't have any real power. What purpose do they have?"

"Their purpose is to be protected, as do all our traditions, I believe Master Lloyd has spotted something of interest" Zane says. I curiously look to where Lloyd is looking. He's looking at the Jade princess. I can feel the jealousy course through me, but I don't say anything, I just frown and look away. I don't need to see that

"Looks like he has an eye for the princess" Kai says and I feel sadness pang through me. Fuck this.

"I guess green is her favorite color" Jay says
"You do know I can hear you, right?" Lloyd says. I love his voice, his mouth, his beautiful eyes. And his stupid fucking hair. I'm down bad

"The emperor is almost finished so let's just do our job." Lloyd says, "I agree. I'll stand with the citizens next to Nya, wouldn't want something bad to happen"

The emperor finishes his speech and the citizens cheer

"Be on the lookout!" Lloyd says as he spots something

I find Nya in the crowd "Hey Nya, have u spotted something out of place. I feel like the sons of garmadon would want to blend in so it's best if I stand here with you"

"Hello Y/N, and no I haven't spotted something yet. That's a good idea so stay here for a bit"

I spot a balloon that has the sons of garmadon sign on it. "I see a-" I say but I'm interrupted by a lot of panging noices. I get down and tackle Nya with me "Is the threat clear?" Nya then says "Huh, firecrackers, false alarm

"You are invited to be their guest in the palace"
Hutchins says

"Heh, no one ever gets invited into the palace, are you sure they meant us" jay says

"If they knew you they probably wouldn't invite us, mouth of lightning" jay just looks at me in shock and I look at him with my famous playful grin, not really famous but that's what the ninja call it.

"It's just a palace, once you've seen one, you've seen em all"

"We'd be honored"

We arrive outside the royal palace and it is huge. I barely get to react before Hutchins is there

"Welcome to the royal palace, also known as the Palace of Secrets" Hutchins says

"Ooh, why do they call it the Palace of Secrets?" Kai says, excitement evident in his voice

"If I were to tell you that, then it wouldn't be a secret now would it?" Hutchins says and slams the gates of the palace

We all gasp as we see the inside of the palace. It's so... gold! It's almost as if we are in heaven itself "Look at that" "I already feel like royalty" "it's beautiful" "Yeah I could already get used to living in a place like this" Cole says I then answer "Well don't, we're only here as guests, then back to protecting ninjago"  then Nya scoffs and says "Too much gold in my opinion"

"I present to you the exalted emperor and empress of ninjago, and their daughter, The jade princess- princess harumi" Thats the one Lloyd was staring at. I already don't like her. But I shouldn't let jealousy cloud my judgment.. we all bow infront of the Royal family

"We are honored by your presence" the emperor says. "The honor is all ours"

"I have read much about you, your heroics will surely become legend, Kai- The hothead who acts without question, Cole-The rock and foundation of the team, Jay- The joker whose mouth is as fast as lightning, Zane-The cold and calculating android. "Nindroid, Your highness" And Nya- The girl, the girl I've wanted to be ever since I first heard about her, with her mastery of water, and her skill that could rival any master" then Nya retorts"I like her" Y/N- the newest addition of the ninja team, her mind as clear as air and her skill of handling her element so quickly, And Master Lloyd, the green ninja, the youngest but most powerful protecter, The chosen one. I too have lost my parents, what. But we are both not without family, hmm? "We adopted harumi and raised her as our own" "When her parents passed away" Thank you for inviting us into your home" "it wasn't us it was our daughter." "And she would like you to stay with us until the threat to our throne is over" "these are troubling times, and as long as we have an oni mask, we fear our lives are in jeopardy" "the masks must never be reunited, please say yes" "then you have our help" "great, than mr Hutchins can show you the palace

Hey guys I hope u enjoyed this weeks chapter and we are finally getting settled into the story. I'll be back in a week with a new chapter for you! Bye <3

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