𝕲𝖊𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖊𝕹𝖔𝖙𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖑𝖊!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗

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George and [M/n] have been friends for over 3 years, Dream and [M/n] are always teasing George in some way... The blond man doesn't mean any of his teasing but the [H/c] haired male does.

Since 2 years ago he have been in love with the brunette male, his dark chocolate eyes and his red lips has always been a wonderful view for him. The smiles, the chuckles and the looks he give to him, makes his heart go really fast.

George POV:

I was playing as always some minecraft with Dream, Sapnap and [M/n], i was really excited to play with them but more because of him. [M/n] . But today he has been awfully quiet, he is normally loud and cheerful when we are playing just the four of us.

"Hey, uhm, [M/n]?" i said, i was really worried for his behavior, he responded to me with a hum, that was already a bad signal.

"Are you okay? You have been awfully quiet, did something happened?" i asked in a concerned  tone, Dream and Sapnap seconded my question. 
"Oh.. yeah i'm fine! Don't worry too much!" he answered, using that cheerful tone. Me and the guys were actually worried, there was something going on with him... we decided to not be pushy, and try to forget that.

After a few hours everyone went to bed, except me and [M/n], we stayed in silence for a few moments until he spoke.
"Uhm.. Ge-George?" he said stuttering, i was a bit confused since he never stutter before. With a soft tone i let out a small 'yeah?' he then sighed and turned on his webcam, just showing half of his face, to be more specific the bottom of his face.

I was surprised since he never wanted to show us his face.. i stayed in silence for a few moments, his [S/t] soft and perfect skin went perfect with his delicate features of his face, I was impressed, that little part of his face was just too perfect. In that moment he was using a [F/c] sweater, showing part of his collarbone. 

I let out a small 'Woah...' after i realized what i said, i quickly muted my mic, that was so embarrassing  then i heard a small chuckle, i look up to the discord call.. He was wearing a beautiful smile in his face, and again i seem to have fall in love even more for the man in front of me.. i was so lost in that bright and unique smile that i didn't notice him calling for me.

Your POV:

I was calling George since he have been muted for 10 minutes by now, while i was calling him he turned on his mic and his webcam, letting me see his soft and red lips, and a beautiful pair of pinks cheeks, his chocolate eyes were looking away from his monitor, he seemed embarrassed 

"Cute.." i said in a low tone, but , he still seemed to have heard me, i blushed .. Did i actually just said that out loud? i looked into his cam, he was blushing even more, with his hand hiding his mouth.

George took a deep breath and then he sighed , he put down his hand and looked into his monitor, i could see better his features,  a faint and short beard, a soft smile planted on his face and a shy gaze looking directly into my cam...

"George? Everything is okay..?" i asked that few questions just to hear his soft and cheerful voice. He stayed a few more seconds in silence, then he proceeds to talk.
"Uhm, yeah yeah! I just... zoned out a bit, nothing to worry about" after that, he smiled... That sweet and wonderful smile, i couldn't help but smile back at him. Then i remembered why i stayed in the call.

"Oh yeah! George? I needed to tell you something, would you listen to me?" i asked really quick, i was totally nervous.. what if he rejects me? or even worse, what if he ends up hating me..? i don't want that he is a great friend.

"Is there something going on [M/n]?" he asked me in a confused but worried tone, i smiled a bit, really cared for me, he wouldn't hate for that right..?  
"I.. i have been willing to say this to you for a long time actually..."  i waited a bit

"Yeah..? what is it, i'm all ears.." he answered, he seemed nervous, embarrassed and excited, all of that at the same time. I found that cute so I took courage, it has been already 2 years since I fell in love with him, i have to do it. Is now or never.

I sighed... and then with a soft sweet and determined tone i said...

"I... I like you George... No... that wouldn't be true. I.. Love you with all my heart George, would you be my boyfriend?"  i finally said, but soon enough i got nervous, he didn't said anything he stayed in silence, processing what i just said... It was just a few minutes before he spoke, but it felt like forever.

"[M/n]... I.." he then stopped himself.. that made it worse for me, i started to get anxious, really anxious he was just not going to reject me, he was probably going to hate me too...

George POV:

I was still processing what he just said to me, i wanted to say that feel like that too but i couldn't find the words i was so surprised and happy at the same time! i mean.. the person that i liked the most was confessing to me!  I really wanted to text Dream about it, but first i have to answer to him..

"You.. you know what? It's fine if you don't feel the same.. i-i will leave.. sorry.." He said before i could speak, i got nervous before he could leave i said.
"Wait! I-.. " 'Please  just say it George!' i yelled at myself mentally.. I have to do it. He needs to know it.. -

"I love you too idiot, and i would love to be your boyfriend.." i finally replied, i couldn't help but smile, he looked so relieved and happy, he then started to laugh and celebrate. I laughed at his idiotic behavior.

He quickly went silent and started to blush really hard, he then mumbled an apologize for doing that... i couldn't help but show a love smile.

That was the best decision in my whole life.

Yoooooooooo Author here! i'm really sorry if this bad, i really tried to make this as good as posible, but o well, i really hope someone enjoyed my shitty chapter and that is all, now i'm backing of to my math classes...

Bye :D!

( Words used 1131 )

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