𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖑!𝕾𝖆𝖕𝖓𝖆𝖕 𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖑𝖊!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗

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By the way those are Sapnap's design, the first one is when he is hiding himself from the guards and the second one it's just him in everyday clothes

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By the way those are Sapnap's design, the first one is when he is hiding himself from the guards and the second one it's just him in everyday clothes. 
The drawing is mine :)

//Guess that here will be lots of swearing huh-

3rd person POV:

Sapnap was running as fast as he could, since he fuck up his last job as an arsonist. Jumping from tree to tree, most of the guards couldn't keep it up, some of them fall, and the others pass out due to the exhaustion they felt.

Sapnap was panting a lot, he was tired and even worse for him, he couldn't get into his human form without getting caught, so he continued until night, he was too tired, fortunately fo him they already gave up with the chase.
He was glad but, unfortunately he has been running for a good 4 hours, so he started to feel dizzy,and so his vision went blurry.. Eventually he end up passing out, near of a small cabin. 


While you were going home, after you had a long day of farming potatoes with Technoblade, since he really liked them. And the fact that the sun was in all its splendor that day, burning and shining. We gotta admit that staying under it for 4 and half hour straight farming, it's really a horrible idea. You were sweaty and tired to say the least. 

[M/n] stopped his track when he spot something or... someone, in the middle of the forest at night, just laying there like a potato bag, and he clearly didn't like that.
Confused he continue walking to 'that' noticing that indeed it was a person, to specify it was a man, he looked kind of young around his 19 to 20.

He look at him with a concern look on his face, and since he was already near his cabin, he lift him up with the small strength left in his body and drag him into his 'house'.
After he put the boy into his bed, he changed the male clothes and cure his wounds, then he left to prepare something to eat.

Sapnap POV:

I woke up to the sound of something heavy falling and the whining of someone who just got hurt. I stayed in silence for a few seconds before i started to panic. I was in someone's house,
in different clothes and someone else's bed. But .. bandaged? Why would I be bandaged?

I was questioning myself about it that i didn't notice the figure in front of me after a few seconds later.. I looked up and saw a male around my age, i think..

"Oh..! You are awake, that's some good news!" He said cheerfully and somehow calm.. That was nice... Wait a second- I was going to say something
but then i came into realization.. 

"WHO ARE YOU?!" I yelled questioning, i was clearly confused.. This was his house? i think i'm forgetting about something.. Wait.. MY MASK!
I touched my face frantically looking for the one thing that keeps my identity hidden..

I sighed relieved to feel my mask of my face, i guess he didn't want to take it huh..? The boy in front of me looked confused but then he seemed understand the situation a bit, to just show a small smile, and in a calm tone he said

"I'm glad i didn't took your mask, because of how you just reacted, it says a lot" he then proceeded to chuckle in the most normal and sweet way.. I couldn't help to blush a bit and thanked my mask for hiding it for me, i still stayed in silence wanting to know who was this guy in front of me and what he wanted from me.


Aaaaaaaaaaannnnd this is awkward... We haven't said a word for 30 minutes straight..
What i was supposed to say or do now... ?
"So uhm... Sapnap.. right?" He finally spoke, he talked in an awkward tone,
but still in a soft and calm one.. it was really nice.

"Uhm.. yeah! T-the one and only!" ... i stayed in silence after that, i didn't comprehend.. Why did i fucking stutter...?'

"So you are... That superhuman that is half blaze..?" He asked me.. i didn't want to answer that but, he seemed so calm and relaxed... What would he think of me..? He probably knows who i am, if that's the case i have to be even more cautious
"Yeah.. I am. So you better say nothing about this to anyone, if you want to live." i said serious and  cold, i needed him to feel intimidated.

He hums..  and then nodded, i looked really confused at him
"I see... So you are that guys who is wanted?" He looks up directly into where my eyes are supposed to be. My face must looked frustrated and mad because of his reaction
"Oh..- i see..." he said, i was about to denied it but before i could say something he talked once again

"Well it's not like i care... so are you hungry?" he asked, you gotta be kidding me who in their right mind, would react like this. You would either call the guards or someone of high command, to catch the criminal, that is in YOUR house and the same one that just THREATENED YOU.
They wouldn't have such a carefree reaction, what the hell is wrong with him..

"So are you hungry or not?" he asked once again, i sighed and nodded in response not really wanting to speak. Then he left the room,I couldn't help but sigh in relief.. Maybe this guy wasn't that bad right? he seemed nice and calm, really calm for someone who just meet a criminal... 
That actually sounds concerning to me, unless it's not his first time meeting people like me..
i couldn't help but sigh, this is going to be a long time, but he seems fun and nice to be around so... maybe it won't be so bad at it seems to be.

(A/N): Ayo wassup guys,, i actually have no idea how to continue this one anyways, so im sorry~
btw, i am making a ' Ranboo x male reader ' and is mostly platonic,,,, so yeah uhm, don't worry about me doing weird stuff,,,

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