Pratice to Blood

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Sabre's point of view
After Galaxy got everyone fish Alex having to get other food so we don't just live off of fish we all ate. Time and Illusion probably won't be back for a while. After we finished eating Alex and The Overseer got ready for their practice. Overall it's just a fight. I rubbed my arm where Lucas shoved me after I jumped scared him. It burned a little, but I didn't say anything.

Alex and the Overseer got to a clear area in the field. I reminded myself to take mental notes of their fighting style. It's something I've always done. Figuring out if someone has a more offensive or defensive style. What move set they typically use and how much energy they put into each attack. Some assassin traits never die off I guess.

"Are you ready Alex?" The Overseer told Alex as he got into a fighting stance. It looked more defensive. Alex gets into an offensive stance, her hands bursted in flames. She can control fire fairly well. The Overseer I have never seen fight before, but since he is a Blue Steve I guess he can control Ice and Water depending on his enviomet. It's pretty cloudy and the air was a little cold.

"Ready." Alex says. Her eyes have yet to glow green. They might overtime during the battle. I looked at Galaxy to see he was keeping most of his attention to her. Not surprised. Lucas on the other hand was watching the Overseer.

Alex doesn't fly up like she normally would during a fight and starts off by running at the Overseer to punch him. The Overseer moves his hand up quickly and summons water to become lieka shield. It burns the flame out on Alex's right hand. The Overseer then tries to trap Alex in a ball of ice, but she was too fast. She uses her flames to melt the ball of ice to keep her opponent from hiding in plain sight.

She runs again and starts to swing her arms around in a precise motion to try to catch the Overseer off guard. He only got hit once by her punches as it hit his lower jaw. That earned her an upper kick to the chest. They both take a step back to recollect themselves. They don't want to seriously hurt each other.

"Go Alex!" Galaxy said in a cheerful voice. Lucas cheers on for the Overseer. I stay neutral. So far this fight looks very well balanced. Even though Alex has more strength and energy than the Overseer does he has more knowledge about fighting.

The Overseer takes out a sword. His form was okay, but it wasn't the best. I never stop myself from judging how well someone can handle a sword. Alex takes out an axe understanding the shift of battle. Overseer attacks first, swinging his sword diagonally in order to take Alex off guard. She counters his attack by summing a small wave of fire at him causing him to hold back on the attack. As he makes his quick recovery Alex gets behind the Overseer and swings her axe down. The Overseer flies up into the air as quickly as he could to avoid what could have been a heavy blow.

Alex reaches her hand forward and summons some lighting on the Overseer. He flies back down from the pain. Thankfully they can both take a lot of hits. I could tell that Alex was holding back from the power she could put into her bolt of lighting. The Overseer manages to trap Alex in a ball of ice and quickly surrounds the ice with water. He flies high into the air. It takes Alex about a minute to get out of the ball of ice and the surrounding water. She looked a little angry.

The Overseer puts his weapon away and so does Alex. They practiced on the last thing they could. Accuracy. They both started to attempt to hit each other with weak lighting. Alex was a better flyer than the Overseer. She was also able to hit him with more lighting than he could with her. This would probably be the downfall for the Overseer.

Throughout all the lighting and thunder that was around the battle there was some thunder that sounded out of place. It was a lot more quiet and sounded farther off. For a second I looked back to see the sound was coming from the mountain behind the steve town. I'll need to check that out soon.

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