Prologue <> The Edge

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The roar of an engine echoed faintly through the mountains of Brenker, Washington as a motorcycle wove it's way up the narrow roads of the ridge. Nathan gripped the handlebar tighter, letting out a puff of air in frustration. He knew he was late, but he started to slow down as his destination came into view in the dim moonlight - the town's popular mountaintop observation point, Brenker Bluff. Nathan came to a halt before removing his helmet and glancing down at his watch.

8:03. He was three minutes late. Nathan looked around feverishly, but his energy dimmed when he realized that he was alone. He pulled his phone out of his pocket only for it to start ringing in his hand. But as he was about to answer the call, he heard the faint vroom of an enduro. Nathan looked up at the newcomer.

"Hey, it's about time," he droned out, running a hand through his light hair. The biker - dressed in black - timidly approached him before suddenly lashing out to knock the now silent phone from Nathan's hand. "What's your problem?" he exclaimed as the phone clattered to the ground. His attacker didn't respond, only driving their fist into the boy's stomach.

Nathan grunted in pain and stepped back towards the edge of the cliff as the biker landed punch after punch. His attacker wasted no time in roughly shoving his shoulders; looking down as Nathan toppled to the darkness below, screaming. The attacker cranked Nathan's bike before lining it up with the edge and hitting the gas. Watching as it followed his gruesome path, the attacker hopped onto their enduro and drove off.

As the sound of their engine grew softer and softer with distance, the faint buzzing of a cell phone could be heard. Allegra - his girlfriend - was calling again. The phone rang.

And rang.

And rang.


The scene is set, and the mystery has begun. Who is the mysterious assailant?? Stay tuned to find out.

And always remember:

"Be careful! There's a lot of gravity out there."

-Adrian Monk


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