seven. [a murdering child]

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It had been a few days since they found Wells' body outside the camp walls. Clarke had confided in Rhea after the two made up, trying to convince her to be nicer to Wells, and not to punish him for something his father did, but little did Clarke know, Rhea would never get the chance to. One of the good things about the grounder's killing Wells, was that it made the delinquents work their asses off to get the wall built around camp, and the production was moving a lot quicker now than it had been previously.

Rhea was currently tying some logs together with the seatbelts from the dropship, or more, she was redoing the knots that had fallen slack because some idiot didn't tie them properly. God, she was surprised they had even lasted this long on Earth considering the stupidity of the people she was surrounded by.

"You look like you need something to help relieve some of that stress" a sweet voice came from behind her. Rhea's head whipped round, stopping what she was doing, and seen a slightly taller raven-haired girl standing behind her, a small smirk present on her face as she looked at Rhea's reaction.

"And you are..." Rhea trailed off, looking for a name.

"Haley" the girl replied sweetly as she batted her eyelashes at Rhea.

"Okay, Haley... what would you like?"

"Honestly..." she trailed out lowly before she took a step closer to Rhea and hovered her mouth directly over the blonde's left ear. "I'm kinda horny right now, and you look like you could use a break" she whispered seductively before she pulled away. Rhea bit down on her lower lip and she could feel the heat rising up her cheeks, knowing full well she was blushing at the pretty girl's words. Haley grinned slightly at the blonde's reaction before she turned around and began walking to her tent, being sure to sway her hips slightly and give Rhea a glimpse of what she could get.

Rhea watched the dark-haired girl saunter away as she contemplated her choices. She could either go and get some long-awaited sex or stay and tie some stupid logs together that should already be tied... yeah, she was going for the first one. Cautiously looking around, she made sure no one was watching her before she casually strolled over to the tent and, taking one last look over her shoulder, stepped in.

She wasn't in the tent for longer than five seconds before she felt herself be pulled forward, a small yelp escaping her mouth from the force, before she felt lips smashing against her own. It took a few moments before Rhea snapped back into reality and began reciprocating the kiss, their lips moulding with each other almost perfectly. Haley's hands ran messily through Rhea's knotted blonde locks while Rhea's gripped Haley's waist tightly, her thumbs grazing over the skin that was exposed by a small gap at the bottom of her tank top.

Rhea was the one to make the first move to deepen the kiss as she swiped her tongue along Haley's bottom lip, the latter immediately granting her entrance as their tongues began a fight for dominance. Haley, somehow, was the one to come out on top as she took control of the kiss, but Rhea wasn't having any of that.

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