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"Why didn't you tell any of us that Zayn had a daughter! That's the worst secret you could keep from us ever!" I yell at Harry before turning to Zayn. "You could have called us we would have brought your girlfriend balloons and flowers." I tell him. He gives me a weird look. "What... No! I don't have a girlfriend." He says. "So you just got some random bitch pregnant!?" I ask getting pissed. "No! You guys don't understand.. I had her." He says. "What do you mean you had her?" Louis asks looking somewhat confused. "Like I had her. She's mine. She was inside me for nine months and I was in labor for 32 fucking hours to bring her into this world!" Zayn yells through clenched teeth. "The only person who was there for me the whole pregnancy and these last 3 years was Harry... Since you guys took Niall's side after the break up and didn't talk to me." He says before getting up and taking Skylar to the bunks to give her the medicine. Everything is silent after that. I get up and walk to the back lounge area of the bus to think for a while. None of this make sense... If Skylar is three and about to be four then that means that Zayn was pregnant when we broke up... But that would mean that Skylar is mine but Zayn would have told me.. So that means she's not mine.. Which means.. Holy fucking fuck. ZAYN CHEATED ON ME! I start to get more and more angry. How the hell could Zayn cheat on me. I love him. My heart hurts so bad. I never wanted us to break up. I don't know why I even broke up with him. I was being stupid. I can't handle this... I feel the tears begin to fill my eyes and quickly run to my bunk. When I get to the bunk area I am face to face with Zayn. I break down and get into my bunk and quickly pull the curtain shut and letting the tears flow.


Well this went horribly wrong. Niall's mad. Zayn's mad. I'm pretty sure Louis and Liam are mad I didn't tell them.. The only person who isn't mad is me.. I should probably just give them some space... I go to the lounge area and sit on the couch, putting my headphones in and soon drifting off to sleep.


Niall runs into the bunks and stops as soon as he sees me. We're face to face and I see that there are tears building in his eyes. As we stand in silence starting at each other he breaks down and starts to cry. I get worried as he runs to his bunk and pulls the curtain shut before beginning to sob. "Ni... Are you okay?" I ask. "Go away!" He yells through his tears. If he really thinks I'm gonna leave then he's out of his mind. I pull open the curtain and climb into his bunk before closing the curtain again. Niall's back is to me after I turn to face him. I pulled him into my chest just like he did me whenever I was upset or crying while we were together and I felt his hand on mine. "Ni, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask softly as I nuzzle into his blond locks. It's silent for a long time. "How could you...." Niall said disgustedly after he'd stopped crying. I was confused. "What?" I ask sitting up on my elbow. Niall turned to face me with a cold angry look in his eyes. "How could you cheat on me? How could you have our baby with someone else! I love you! All I've ever wanted was for us to have a family and now you have it with some other asshole.. How could you do that to me, Zayn?" He said with tears starting to well up in his eyes again. "Niall what in the hell are you talking about?" I ask. "Skylar! She's three about to be four. That means you were pregnant when we broke up but if she was mine then you would have told me about the pregnancy but you didn't so that could only mean one thing... She's not mine." He said. My heart constricted in my chest. He really thinks I cheated on him... "Niall, she is yours." I said looking him in his big ocean blue eyes. His eyes widened. "She is?" He asked. I laughed a little. "Of course she yours. Have you not looked at her? She looks just like you. She acts like you a little bit too." I smile at the thought of how much Skylar is like Niall. It has done nothing but make me miss Niall even more over the years. "Zayn, I love you." Niall says and takes my face in his hands kissing me softly and passionately. "I love you too." I say as we finally pull away.

Hey guys sorry it took so long for me to update. I've had a lot of things going on. School, work, problems with my dad, emotional breakdowns, counseling, and 2 deaths in my family. But I'm back!!! And on the bright side on December 20th, baby Skylar Kendall-Lee Byrd will be born!!! I will update as much as I possibly can I promise and I will also try to post 2 chapters or more a day as well. I hope you guys like this story and my other stories also. See ya.

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