So I was bored and went on YouTube and saw this!
It's so good and I was all like 😐😩😯👄
Did you know that they're gonna make an anime about this type of stuff?! I don't know the details but the sport seems coolAnd then came across a Twisted Wonderland dance video. My favorite part was the hip.
I usually am not a fan of these dance videos because of the song and the choreography. The dancers are never in sync and the songs are volcaloids which I'm not a fan of. No offense to those in love with vocaloid. I was just never a fan of volcaloid songs but did like their music videos and lyrics.
Twisted Wonderland fanart
RandomUhhhh... I wanted to save some pictures that I thought were precious so you can look too. I got these all from Pinterest so these don't belong to me. Credit to original owners.