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(Some mature content)

Harley's POV

My eyes fell onto the bed. Xander sat on the end of it; his broad bare shoulders were hunched over, his elbows rested on his thighs, and his hands were out like he was holding his head just a second ago. Peaking up from his hands, he looked up at me. His perfectly sculpted bare upper half was visible now. His eyes raised to my face, looking over my hard features. His eyes wandered over me over and over like he was seeing me for the first time. It felt like hours had passed since I slammed open the door. Seeing his untarnished, striking face only made me more agitated.

"Harley." He breathed out softly.

"Nice to see you too," I grunted.

His eyes dropped down to my body, glancing over me slowly. Normally that would be enough to turn my cheeks red as a lobster, but not now.

"Why are you wet?" He asked, standing up from the bed walking towards me. My eyes dropped down to his below his waist for a second. Damn, why'd he have to be half-naked right now? His tight, overly expensive white boxers stuck to his fleshy thighs. His shockingly sizable package pressed against the thin fabric. He took steps towards me, but with every step he made, I backed up."Is something wrong?" His brows knit together in confusion, and he halted all movements. "Are you hurt? Did someone upset you?" He asked. My eyes narrowed in on his face. Oh my god, he had no clue why I was upset. He is genuinely confused.

"Are you joking?" I chuckled humorlessly; this time, I made a move towards him. "Did someone upset me?" I stalked closer to him, never taking my eyes off his green orbs.

"Harley, what's your problem?" He sighed and running a hand through his now messy black hair. My heart slammed against my chest as I listened to his words and watched his nonchalant body language. I don't know what was more upsetting, him not speaking to me for almost a week or him not noticing why I'm upset. But yet again, why should he care? Why should he notice? The adrenaline in my veins pumped harder and faster. Tonight might be the night I die.

"You're my problem, Xander," I said, shaking my head softly. "You're my fucking problem!" I spat, closing the distance between us. "Why didn't you call?" I asked, looking up at him. I crossed my arms over my chest roughly and pressed myself against him. "Why didn't you text?" I asked again. "You could've left a goddamn message, for god's sake!" I yelled. All those emotions I've been holding in so dearly the last month were spilling out, and it was too late to stop the outpour. "Then you get here, and you don't even say a word to me?" I said more as a statement than a question. With me still looking up at him, he stared down at me just as intensely. His sculpted jaw flexed over and over.

"I'm not talking to you when you're acting irrationally like this-" I cut him off before he could finish.

"Irrational?" I spat. My body was sweating all over now. "Fuck you!" I screamed, pushing his body away from me roughly. Of course, it was to no avail since he was huge, but that gave me even more reason to use all my strength. "Fuck you, Xander! I didn't know being irrational was worrying about someone!" I continued. "Was it too much to let me know you weren't fucking dead!" My throat burned. "I asked for a phone call! Not the fucking world!!"I cried out. Still, his face remained emotionless. "Sorry for caring! Sorry for worrying!! Sorry for wishing you would come back!" I proclaimed. "Sorry for it all! That's my fucking bad. I should've known better since it was you." I didn't notice, but tears were streaming down my hot face. Beads of sweat formed at my hairline. "I should've known better than to expect anything from you" I looked away from his face. "That kiss was to shut me up and nothing more. Yet I let myself believe that-" before I could finish, his roughly callused hands grabbed my face and crashed his lips into mine. It was only for a couple of seconds before he pulled away but still held on to my face harshly. His body pressed against mine, and his forehead leaning on mine. So close.

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