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Xander POV

"I- while I was finishing up sorting the last file," she paused, "Evan came in-" she mumbled out quickly.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I stopped walking and turn my head to look at her. Evan was close a friend and member, but that meant absolutely nothing at the moment. Based on her body language and the look in her eyes, I could tell she wasn't lying. She was far too afraid of me to lie, and she didn't have any reason to lie at the moment. Evan was the only one in this office besides Harley, I failed to see how Evan could benefit from anything in those files, but I had the feeling I was going to find out soon. My rage was boiling up as I thought about Evan betraying me and, moreover, him involving Harley. "I told you no one was allowed in here. Not even Evan." I barked.

"I-I know but-" She started, but I stopped her.

"But What? There is no excuse!" She flinched at the loudness of my voice. " Why did you let him in here?" The door should've been locked the entire time, so the only way he could've gotten in was if she unknowingly gave him access. Were they friendly with each other in that way?

"I-I didn't. He just walked in." she shook my head repeatedly. "I just assumed since he is your friend that it wasn't a big deal." She had yet to learn that friends don't mean anything in this industry. Her reasoning sounded so ridiculous to me since I had already accepted such a thing. Not to mention the number of times I've had to deal with backstabbing pricks in the past.

"Friends? Are you serious?" I scoffed. "This isn't fucking high school, Harley."

"I-I-I know." She said, scrunching up her face. I hadn't realized how harsh I was acting towards her until I saw the tears begging to come out of her sorrowful eyes. I knew she didn't mean any harm, but yet I was probing at her without any leniency.

"What happened when he came in?" I sighed deeply, careful with my tone.

"I told him to leave, then H-he asked me about a file I was sorting," she replied. "Sir, I'm really sorry-" she began, but I didn't need to hear anymore, nor did I want her to apologize.

"Clean all this up. I'll be back. " I finished, then turned and began walking out of the office. Henry was waiting by the door as he heard all the words exchanged between Harley and me. "Where is he?"

"Storage House," Henry said casually, and we walked down the stairs to the main floor. " I heard he is looking at the ARs and FNs." He added. Those were just smuggled over from El Paso yesterday, but no one knew about them except Henry and Felipe. He's already on us; however, he isn't getting this info for himself.

"Fuck." I barked. He knows shit he shouldn't. Whoever he is getting this info for already knows too much.

"Make sure no one comes to the storage house. I want to be alone with him." I said, unbuttoning the cuffs on my sleeves and rolling them up neatly. "Take Felipe with you-" I started to say to Henry as we walked out the back door and outside towards the storage house. "Tear his fucking room apart; I don't care, just find that fucking file," I commanded as we made it to the medium-sized storage house. "Try and find his phone too."

"Yes, sir," Henry answered before turning around and jogging back to the house. Two guards, we always on post outside of the house, but they wouldn't have stopped Evan since he has authorization inside the house.

"No one comes in or out," I told them. Immediately but silent, they nodded their heads, showing they understood.

I wasn't a complicated man. I only favored three things: money, sex, and killing, and I hated them just as equally. But these things were all I was good at and good for. Killing came with the job, and it's the job I was given and the only job I've ever known. Things have to be done that are gruesome and bloody, but they are necessary. My father taught me these things at a young age, so now they are imbedded into my mind. So I'd be lying if I said I'm not going to enjoy this.

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