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Xander's POV

"There is a reason why," she said softly, fiddling with her fingers. I knew she was scared I'd scream or even touch her, but I wasn't. However, I was irritated by her. The idea of having to explain to her the situation was so undesirable I was tempted to just walk out of the room. But I knew that If I didn't say something, she would just keep asking, and I indeed had no time to deal with that. Although I've only just met her, I already knew she would be a headstrong pain in my ass. I have the pressure of my father riding on me along with the entire plan surrounding Daniel Miller. No offense to her, but her feelings were one of the last of my worries at this very moment. Right now, my father was cursing me for being late to our meeting. So I decided at that moment to do whatever I needed to do to leave the subject at rest.

I remembered the background check that Henry ran on Harley when we first found out who she was. With her eyes still fixed on the floor, I cleared my throat softly, trying to remove the lump in my throat that had formed from not talking for a while. I reached behind the desk to grab the file that had all her information in it. Truthfully, I didn't know what I would tell her, but I knew that I had to say something worth ending all her suspicions. I couldn't keep running around this subject with her. Harley wasn't even supposed to be here, and now that she is and it seems like she will be here for a while, it's unlocked so many issues and questions. I remember from when I first read the file that it said her mother was deceased. Looking at the file again, I saw that she died from a heroin overdose when she was only 6. It seemed like she and her father dealt with some pretty hard stuff. It's absolutely sickening for me to say this, but I would use this information to my advantage.

"Ruby Anderson? That was your mother's name, correct?" I asked, looking up from the contents of the folder.

"My Mother-" her eyes instantly shot up to mine.

"Correct?" I asked. I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about what I was about to say. I wanted to come off as I have no remorse, but my body wouldn't allow it. Still, I have a job to do, and I can't screw it all up just for the sake of this one girl's feelings.

"Y-yes." she frowned. "W-why?" she frantically followed after.

"and you live with your father and brother," I said more as a statement than a question.

"How do you know that?" she scoffed as if I had said the most ridiculous thing she has ever heard. "What's this all about?"

"You asked me why you're here, right?" I asked. I just wanted this conversation to be over, so I didn't have to look at her heart-rending face any longer.

"Y-yes but-" she began, but before she could speak any further, I opened my mouth to speak over her.

"So I'm telling you." I finalized before looking back down at the folder. "Your mother and father used to be into some heavy stuff. Stuff you can only get from a specific type of person. My type of people." I said. Out of this entire fabricated story, the only thing that was true was the fact that her parents did indeed use to buy from my cartel. I don't recognize them since I wasn't in charge or even part of the cartel at the time, and I was only a couple of years older than Harley at the time. However, I knew the only place you could get heavy shit like this back in the day was through this cartel. Looking at her, it seemed like this news was a shock to her. I guess her father never told her the shit they were into. Makes sense anyway. She looked distant, as if she was completely thinking about something else, but she was looking disgusted at the same time. Nonetheless, I continued. "Drugs cost money, Harley. Your mother didn't have money, but she still wanted drugs."

"s-stop talking about her like that." she suddenly spoke. She looked on the verge of tears at this point.

I continued despite her protest. " She died before she could pay for all those expensive drugs she used." I lied

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