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Mina with their whole friends, well, except for the "engineering" ones are at their condo. They planned to have a study night even though Mina doesn't really know what's the purpose when they all have different courses. But of course, how can she win over a one versus four argument.

They all insisted that it'll help to study together but Mina know that she can't really study with a group. She just prefers to be alone. And she's right, she doesn't know when will they really focus on studying because it's been hours and their supposed to be "study night" were just full of eating and talking.

"So... what's your plan for the Christmas break guys?" Jihyo asked.

Mina is not really paying attention to their conversation, she's busy reading her book when in fact she knew that whatever she's reading is not being absorbed well by her mind. She kept on glancing at her phone, expecting to receive a single message even if she hasn't been receiving any for a week now.

"I'm going with you Jihyo unnie, that's what mom said" Tzuyu said while still reading her book about fashion design.

"Oh. Right! We're going to New York" Jihyo said excitedly. "How about you Momo?"

"We're going back to Japan, right Sana?"

"Yes. I think" Sana then looked at Mina who's brows are furrowed while holding her phone. "It depends on Mina, honestly"

"Mina?" Jihyo called once but Mina is still in a daze. "Hello earth to Mina!"

Mina only blinked twice and looked at her friends when a crumpled paper was thrown at her. She looked at them with confusion when she saw that all eyes are already on hers.

"Uhm, what..?"

"Mina are you even with us? Or are you so focus with studying?" Momo teased.

"Or maybe.. she's thinking about.. someone" Jihyo added and made a high five with Momo.

Sana sighed and looked at her with no expression. "Yeah, she's thinking about someone. Your friend just ditched Mina"

"Sana!" she called out with wide eyes.

"Huh?" Jihyo was looking at Sana and Mina, back and forth. "What do you mean? Chaeyoung ditched Mina?!"

"I guess so" Sana shrugged and continued reading her book.

If they will ask Mina, she'll probably have the same answer as Sana. It's true that after that night where she foolishly confessed, she haven't seen Chaeyoung. And it goes on for a week now, Mina wasn't even sure if she's avoiding her because if she called Chaeyoung, it will answer. But will eventually hang up saying that she has something to do or studying. Mina understood it, she tried to understand everything since she knows how important their exam is.

It's just that.. she can't help but to think that Chaeyoung is avoiding her because Mina told her that she like her.

"Sana I told you it's not like that. I just uh, talked to her last day. She said she's also busy studying" Mina explained, still trying to side with Chaeyoung.

"Is that so?" Jihyo said as if she's trying to remember something. "But I think.. I saw her with her friends last night. At The Blacklist"


"Oh no. Jihyo unnie, you can't really read a room" Tzuyu whispered.

"Sana give me your keys!"

"Are you insane Mina?! You know I can't let you drive!" They were already standing up, as Mina is already ready to leave.

"Then drive me to Momo's apartment building!"

Mina is raging inside and she doesn't even know why she's acting that way. But she fully knows that it's the sole reason why she made a drastic decision and why she and Sana is driving to Chaeyoung's apartment building.

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