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"I know that Christmas is over but uh.. here's your gift"

Mina handed out a pink paper bag and Chaeyoung gladly took it. But thrown a startled look at Mina.

There's still four days left before their planned return but Mina decided to go back to Korea earlier. She called Sana and Momo to tell her decision and they agreed to it without even asking further more questions.

Since that day that Mina and Chaeyoung met in Japan, Mina couldn't stop thinking about her again. It's like she's there but her heart and mind is telling her to go to Korea as soon as possible. And as weak as she is, Mina followed her heart once again.

So here she is, a day after arriving, Chaeyoung and her planned to meet up. As usual, they're hanging out at Chaeyoung's place like what they always did. As true as it is, Mina can't deny that she really missed spending her days with Chaeyoung. Even if they're just eating or watching movies. As long as she's with Chaeyoung, every moment seemed to be so special.

"Oh, wow. Thank you, Mina" Chaeyoung smiled at her. "I didn't expect to receive a gift from you"

"Well.. just open it"

Chaeyoung did as what she's told and gently opened the pink paper bag. Her eyes widened as she pulled out a brown knitted beanie.

"Wow! A knitted beanie. Don't tell me.. you made this yourself?" Chaeyoung said while caressing the beanie on her hand.

"Uh.. yes. It's newly made, I made it while I have a free time in Japan" Mina shyly confessed.

"Mina, you have such a creative hands. Really.. it's so pretty"

"Do you like it?" Mina asked while smiling and Chaeyoung quickly nodded. "That's a relief! Come on I'll wear it to you"

Mina stood up and walked towards Chaeyoung. She grabbed the beanie and fixed it so it's facing front and helped Chaeyoung wear it. Mina looked at Chaeyoung with a proud face because it really suits her.

"How's it Chaeyoung? I think it fits perfectly to you"

"Yes, it is. I'm quite surprised and afraid that it might not fit but it did" she said as she looked in the mirror. "Thank you so much, Mina"

"Glad you liked it. I decided to made you one since it's getting cold here in Korea and I also noticed that you like wearing hats and beanies"

"Such an observant" Chaeyoung teased. She grabbed the paper bag again and her brows furrowed. "Oh. There's more?"

Chaeyoung pulled out a gray scarf. Mina was shy all over again but still silently grabbed it and wear it to Chaeyoung. Mina doesn't know why her hands were trembling, maybe because they're just inches away from each other and she could hear their heavy breathing. Or maybe.. because she could feel Chaeyoung's intense stares.

When she's done and just finishing fixing the ends of it, Mina's eyes landed on Chaeyoung's. And she was right, Chaeyoung was staring at her.

To cut off what trance she's been under, Mina decided to start a conversation. "Uh.." she cleared her throat. "I found it in my room when I was cleaning. I made it even before I came to Korea so yeah.. I decided to give it to you"


Mina shot up her brows in panic. "Huh?"

"Your gifts.. I mean they're all beautiful. Thank you, Mina"

"Oh, you're welcome. It's not that great but I'm glad you liked it" Mina let out an awkward laugh.

"I also got something for you. Wait here"

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