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Life had been a crazy roller- coaster ride for both Julian Edelman and Taylor Brady.

But now the day had come. The day that every little girl dreams of, and the day her parents want, yet don't want to happen to for their daughter. It meant the start of a new life for two people, for better or for worse. It was wedding day.


"Mommy, you look so pretty!" Lilian beamed up at her mother who was dressed in a white fit- n- flair wedding gown that brought out her very tan skin. It was the middle of June, anyway.

"Thank you, baby girl." Tay picked up her dirty- blonde haired child, kissing her soft, chubby cheeks as Lilly giggled. She looked just like Julian, except she had Tay's outgoing personality. As Julian was more laid back and quiet, Tay was always on the move, being loud and very opinionated.

She was a very easy child to take care of, though. She was simple: she loved her mommy and daddy(but she was very much a daddy's girl), loved her baby dolls, and loved to watch her daddy 'run around with a ball on Sundays' as she put it.

"You ready to see mommy and daddy get married?" She asked her daughter.

"Yes!" She said happily, flashing her teeth.

"Good." Tay smiled, placing a kiss to her cheek.

"I love you and daddy, mommy." Lilly stated sweetly.

"Aw, and we love you. More than you'll ever know."

Meanwhile, with the groom and his men....

"Alright, Edelman! This is it. Your last minutes as a free man." Danny joked.

"Are you ready?" Tom asked him, repositioning his bow- tie in the mirror.

"More ready than ever. Just really nervous." Julian Edelman replied.

"Good. That's the answer I was looking for." He smiled.

The men in the room laughed. Tom, Danny, Julian's brother, Julian's father, and Chandler Jones were all there to support the man, even if it meant helping him his corsage that Tay had picked out for him.

"Do you have the rings, little man?" Julian asked Ben, who nodded and smiled big in reply.

"Okay, we're ready when you guys are." The wedding director stuck her head in the door.

"Alright, let's do this thing." Julian said, and led the pack of men towards the church sanctuary.

After watching his 4 year old daughter giggle as she placed flower pedals on the aisle, he watched Tay make her way down, tears threatening to spill out of both of their eyes.

After the preacher welcomed everyone and read a few words of scripture, it was time for both parties to exchange vowels, Julian letting Tay go first.

"Oh, shorty," Tay started.

"I never knew that that day when we saw each other at the children's hospital it would come to this, but I'm so glad it has. We've been through everything together. Having a child, a surgery, a coma, a Super Bowl win. Everything. And now as we take on this new journey of marriage, there's no one else I'd want by my side. I love you, Julian." She concluded. At this point there was not a dry eye in the place.

"Tay," Julian started.

"I knew that from the moment I met you we'd be together forever. Though we've had our ups and downs, and knowing that we'll have many more to come, you're the person I want to run through life with. I know that with you and Lilly by my side, we can do anything we set our minds to. I love you both so much." He smiled, as her wiped his tears.

"I love you daddy." Their daughter said quietly, both parents smiling at her.

After exchanging the rings, the preacher stated, "I now pronounce you both husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!"

Julian took his wife's face lightly in his hands, kissing her cheeks, Tay kissing him back. They then took their daughter's hand, and they all walked down the aisle together, hand- in- hand.

They all three smiled as photos were being taken and the crowd gave them a standing ovation, clapping loudly as they exited. They had the picture perfect life, for which they were thankful.

And even though life can be crazy, it's all one long roller- coaster and you have to just sit back and enjoy the ride.

The end.

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