Chapter 1

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~.~ In 784 year ~.~

After incident at Hargeon city, Natsu, Happy, Lucy and Himeko were come back to their guild. Natsu seem angry at a guy who give him a false information make them fight each other. Lucy was sigh lowly while Himeko just sweat drop at Natsu. Lucy and Himeko were going to the bar where Mirajane working for. Mirajane had saw Lucy which she greeting her nicely. "Welcome back, Lucy, Himeko. You two had come back here after three month you going to do of your S-Class mission. It's that hard for you, Lucy?" Said Mirajane nicely which make Lucy smile at her. Himeko just sit down as she look the other people who fighting each other. Lucy was shook her head as she get her drink. "Not really, Mira. I was take my time to training myself so I can be more stronger than before. Beside, there more danger that I have to face since I take S-Class mission, Mira." Said Lucy calmly as she look her guild mates with a smile on her face.

Lucy had saw Gray fighting against Natsu which make her giggle as she feel that they're not change. "Oh, really? I see now. Well, that's good for you. But truly I don't know why you was so hard of yourself as you're already being stronger mage in Fairy Tail, Lucy? You're more stronger than Erza and Laxus. What had make you being like that, Lucy?" Said Mira as she look at Lucy. Lucy then change her expression make Mira realize of something make her feel guilty. Before Mira said something, Lucy had answered her. "There was someone that I need to take care. Someone that I hated the most for trying to take from my mother. That's the answer I give to you, Mira." Said Lucy lowly make Mira feel guilty. She was look down as she felt bad at Lucy. "I'm sorry if I make you feel upset, Lucy." Said Mira sadly which make Lucy smile as she assuring her that she was fine.

"It's okay, Mira. Don't blame of yourself." Said Lucy when she drink her milkshake which make Mira smile in relief. Then Lucy had punch Elfman before he hitting on Mira make Elfman fall back on the floor. Even so, she was unlucky as she been hitting by Gray who fall on her. Lucy was laying her face on the floor while Gray had fall his face on her neck as his hand had held both side of the floor. Lucy was groan as she glance at Gray. "Gray, get up before I kick your ass!" Said Lucy in a warning tone make Gray quickly get up and helping her stand up. Lucy was sigh before she noticed that Gray had been naked without clothes make her blushing hard. She then glared at Gray who seem noticed of her and flinch as her glare was scaring him. "Wear your clothe, idiot!" Shout Lucy at Gray who shrieking when he saw himself naked. Gray had saw Natsu hold his underwear which he yelled at him but Lucy beat him into it as she punched Natsu before she throw at Gray and told him to wear his underwear which Gray thanked her.

Lucy was sigh as she sit down on the chair continue enjoying her drink when Master Makarov come to stop the mess. He had smacked Natsu with his large hand make him silent. Makarov had lecturing them about the paperwork before he ripped it and throw to Natsu. Lucy was giggle as she look at Makarov. Makarov had announcement that Lucy was already back which make them froze looking at Lucy who waved happily at them. They were seem happy to see her which make them greeting her and apologize to her for not welcomed her back early which make Lucy smile as she accepted their apologized anyway. It was come back to normal. There no fighting as they doing their own business. Levy was happy asked her about what she got in her mission. Lucy had told her about her journey while doing her mission make Levy interest. While Lucy have a conversation with Levy and Mirajane, she had heard a yelling from a kid who age 6 year old anyway. 

Lucy had look at the kid who name Romeo Conbolt. He was a son of Macao Conbolt that going to a mission. She had heard of his conversation with Makarov which make Romeo angry kicked Makarov before leave the guild. Lucy was feeling pity to Romeo which she had a feeling that Natsu going to find Macao. Natsu had leave the guild with angry feeling which make Lucy sigh. Mirajane had told her that Natsu was losing his dragon name Igneel. Lucy then decided herself to follow Natsu and Happy. Himeko was decided that she want to stay at the guild which make Lucy nodded her head. She doesn't mind about that. Lucy was then told Mirajane that she will come back later as she going to go over Natsu and Happy. Gray in another hand had saw Lucy leave the guild make him sigh softly.


Lucy and Natsu were already defeat Vulcan which be revealed as Macao Conbolt. Lucy had look an injured Macao which make her feeling guilty to him. Lucy then use her healing magic on him make his injuries gone. Macao was wake up as his injuries get healed up. Macao had look at Lucy and thanked him for healing him make Lucy smile. Macao then sigh as he told them sadly that he only defeated 19 Vulcans to make his son proud of him. Lucy was shook her head as she told him. "What to be ashamed for defeating 19 Vulcans, Macao? Isn't that great for you? It's not easy to defeating more Vulcans than what you did, Macao. You had prove enough to your son. You're did very well, Macao. But that's not important. What important was you still alive and can come home. To see Romeo. He's waiting for you. Don't you want to see Romeo, Macao? You're already prove that you was a proud dad for him. Romeo will understand that, Macao." Said Lucy softly make Macao crying hard.

Natsu and Happy just hearing of what Lucy said which make them smile. Macao was agree to going back with Lucy, Natsu and Happy as he want to see his son, Romeo. Natsu had helped Macao to stand up as they were leaving the place. When they arrived at the town, they saw Romeo who waiting of his dad. Romeo saw Macao make him teared up and running toward him. He had apologies to Macao for forcing him to do a mission which make Macao smile at him as he hugged his son back. Lucy, Natsu and Happy were smile to see Romeo which they leaved them alone. Romeo had broke up the hugging as he thanked Lucy, Natsu and Happy make them accepted. Lucy was smile as she walked home. Her smile then faded as she remember of her fake dad. It seem like she hated him so much.

'Just you wait, Jude. I will make you pay for that.' - Lucy

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