Chapter 9

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Mikasa's POV

It was unexpected of Levi to allow me to sleep over at a boy's house so easily, but somehow it happened.

Eren took my hand, and locked his fingers between mine, leading me upstairs, to his room.

"I'm really tired... You mind if I get a quick nap? I haven't slept well at all these past 3 days..." He told me. "Yeah, I don't mind." I stated.

"We could just lie in my bed and open the tv for you while I rest a bit."

I began watching my movie while Eren laid his head resting on my lap. He wrapped his arms around my knees, hughing them tight. I was blushing a bit, but I can't say I didn't like what was happening.

I put one of my hands on the side of his neck, my fingers poking his cheek, while my other hand was playing with his hair.

'He looks so peacefull when he was sleeping. So cute... So damn hot.' I thought placing my hand in my chest, feeling my heart beating faster than ever before.

'Wait... Did I really just become fucking horny just by seeing him sleeping?' I thought as I mentally slapped my horny ass.

I wasn't paying any attention to the movie, so I just closed the TV. I would just stare at him, and think about how much I love him and other typical stuff a teenage love struck girl would think.

I didn't even realize how fast time was passing just be me gazing at him.

Eventually, he woke up. He took his time before lifting his head from my lap, and then looked into my eyes with a sleeping look.

He then just leaned in and kissed me, without any warning, whatsoever.

This fucker sure knows how to make my heart explode every damn time he gets a chance to.

I immediately flushee red, and when I got over the shock u kissed him back passionately.

He broke the kiss and pulled my into a hug. He let out a loud sigh. "... I really needed this." He said. "Yeah... Me too." I replied.

"Ya know... We never really got to go on a date yet..." He said. "Mhm... And are you asking me in one right now?" I teasingly said biting my botom lip. "And what if I am?" "Then I guess we are gonna have some fun." I stated with a smirk plastered across my face. "You wanna go tonight?" He asked.

I didn't have anything planned and j was already going to sleep over so this would be perfect. "Can't wait." I told him "You can go get clothes from you apartment, I will also get ready, and we're going." He said. "Where?"

"Oh that's a surprise Mika."

"I like surprises."

"I hope you will like this then. This is my first time on a date."

"Same here."

We kept flirting for about 5 minutes, and then I got up, and headed for the door so I could get ready for our date.

Eren's POV

As she exited the house, I closed the door and watched her heading to her home through the window. 'Damn she got a nice ass.' I thought to myself. What? She's MY girl. I have every right check out her thicc ass whenever I feel like it. You readers have no saying in this.

I looked around and saw some broken bricks. Wait.. Could it be... The 4th wall? Oops.

AAAANYWAYS as I was checking out her ass, suddenly, 4 dudes approached her. They started talking to her, as seen clearly didn't want to be there. She tried to leave hut one of them grabbed her wrist.

'Nope. You mitherfukers are getting your asses kicked into the next dimension.' I thought to myself.

Let my repeat clearly. She is MY girl. You can probably guess I was pissed. I slammed the door hard and started sprinting their way.

I could feel earth trembling on my every step. I was SOOOOO pissed.

"Eren! Help me!" Mikasa said. Only she had noticed me, at first. That meant I had enough time to punch the guy holding her wrist, before he had any time to react.

Of course, me being really good a t boxing, I found it almost to easy to knock him out with one punch the the jaw as he wasn't moving it defending.

He let go of Mikasa and collapsed on the ground. "Aight fuckers, you messed with the wrong girl." I stated.

It was still 3 of then, and they looked at least 3 years older than me, so it wouldn't be an easy fight.

"Eyo, Mika. Go inside and get Levi. I can hold them, maybe even beat the shit out of them. Worst case scenario, I get knocked out and straight to the hospital, but you're fine either way so it doesn't really matter." I whispered to her so the men wouldn't hear. She looked really hesitant.

I guess she wasn't really fond of the scenario where I get my ass whooped. Maybe u shouldn't have told her that but... Too late.

I gave her a quick kiss on the lips as I had my arm around her waste. "GOOO!" I yelled as I turned to the fools who thought they could mess with MY girl.

I got into fighting position and the fight broke out. I was blocking left and right, kicking butt. I left upercut one dude and then immediately hit a power shot with my right arm, sending him to sleep.

"Nighty night." I said between my breaths.

Levi and Mikasa then got out, Levi holding his gun, since he was police officer. I hadn't noticed then though, so I kept throwing punches.

They got me good 3 or 4 times. A clean hit to my right eye was the one that stinkee the most. The others where body shots, so I just sustained them.

I hit a bicycle kick followed by a back spinning kick, hitting weak spots on the body of the 3rd dude, sending him down as he groaned in pain.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP PUNK!" Levi shouted at the last guy standing. The guy surrendered himself since Levi had a gun pointing at him.

I breathed heavily as I sat and laid down, my body felling exhausted. I closed my eyes for a moment. I soon felt the upper part of my body being lifted into a sitting position and as I re-opened them, I saw Mikasa pulling me into a hug.

I hugged her back. "Damn, that was rough." I said as I winced in pain. "You reckless idiot!" Mikasa whisper-yelled at me as tears went down her beautiful face.

"Worth it." I argued. She giggled. "What? I mean kicked their asses for my love. Like straight out of a book or something. I could get 10 of them for you." I told her. And what I said, I meant it.

She looked up to me blushing and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wiped her tears off her face.

Levi had called his colleagues and arrested the 4 men.

"Damn Eren. You got them good. 4 vs 1 for my little sister huh?" He asked with a mischievous grin. "You little fucker." He said in a low tone laughing, as he went back inside to get in his uniform.

Wassup boys and girls, I just wanna take a moment to say I appreciate y'all if you've read this far. Hope you enjoyed

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