Kolbie Styles

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((AU; I'm going to try a POV on this one. You guys comment if its better with or without POV's.))

Harrys POV;

        Lunch. a time where I go home and relax for 30 minutes with my little girl. I hire a babysitter to watch her, and it took me weeks to find one suitable enough to watch after my daughter. She needed the best of the best, always for my little Kolbie. I unlocked the door to my small, cream colored rank house to be greeted by a mass of curly chocolate brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. She got her eyes from her mother, who I don't mention to my daughter for reasons.

        "Daddy!" She yipped, raising her arms up to be picked up. I dropped my bag and lifted her up, setting her on my hip as my free hands thumb brushed her rosy cheeks.

        "How's my baby doin'? Is Lola being a good?" I mumbled in a childish voice as I tickled her side. The room burst into a series of giggles and laughter that made my heart flutter with love. God, did I love hearing her giggle. Much better than the sound of dripping blood, screams, and the slicing of knives-- yep, much better.

        "We were just about to eat lunch. I knew you would be coming home so I made you some too." Lola informed, her lean figure leaning against the kitchen entry way which was visible from the front door. "Turky sandwiches with apple slices." Then she was back into the kitchen.

        "Yummy," I cheerfully mumbled to Kolbie as I have her a short Eskimo kiss. Honestly, I was really craving chicken. I'm always craving chicken. Nothing special on it or anything, just chicken on a skillet maybe with some sauce. But a turkey sandwich would have to do because I was not in the mood for cooking anything at the moment. I set Kolbie on the ground for her to jog away and into the kitchen, the tail of her blue sundress dragging on the ground as she did. "Lola do you mind taking Kolbie clothes shopping. I don't have the time and I have the hardest time shopping for her." I said tiredly as I wondered into the kitchen. Lola was at one of the counters cutting up apples while my little girl was at the dinner table playing with the ends of her hair. Her hair was getting long, really long. It was almost down to her bum. "And while you're at it, get her hair cut. Maybe to her shoulder blade."

        "No problem Mr. Styles." Lola nodded as she gave me a smile. I set down 130 £ on the counter beside her, enough hopefully for everything. "Thank you."

        "It's for my daughter not you, remember that." I sternly replied before taking a seat beside my daughter at the table. "What're you doin' there baby?" I questioned as I watched her draw in one of her colouring books. There was strangely a lot of red involved.

        "I'm drawing the story you tell me about the hero who killed the monster." She replied casually, keeping her eyes on the paper. Shit, she was drawing me killing someone. I couldn't let Lola see so I took the red crayon from her tiny hands and then the book and set it aside. "Daddy! I wanted to draw!" She whinnied and I immediately felt guilty.

        "That story is a secret baby. You can't draw it, okay? Only for bed time, yeah? You can finish it tonight and I'll hang it up in my office." I faked a smile and she smiled back with a nod before our meals were placed in front of us. Turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles with honey mustard sauce between two slices of wheat bread. Kolbie having the same thing but a less amount and with apple slices, and without the crust; just the way she liked it. That's why I like Lola.


        We ate lunch silently, me being first to finish seeing I didn't have a lot of time. I put my empty plate in the sink and gave my girl a quick kiss on her head. "I'll see you guy's tonight. I love you Kolbie."

        "Love you too Daddy." She sadly mumbled as she wrapped her short arms around my arm that was wrapped around her stomach in a side hug.

        "I'll be back home as soon as I can." I smiled before letting her go and heading for the door. I grabbed my bag and got back into my car. This was my second worst part of the day. The first one is leaving in the morning before she's awake, unable to say goodbye for the day. Then there's this one, seeing her pout as I left hurt. Kolbie has always been my number one priority. Her mother was killed when she was giving birth to Kolbie. We we're never married or in a relationship. I was simply drunk one night and we hooked up and something must have happened because I got a call from the hospital almost a year later saying I have a child and the mother had died. I'm not the type to ditch something so precious. That day I ran every red light until I got to the hospital to see her in a tiny pink blanket in the NICKU. I knew she was mine for sure because of DNA test, so I made it my responsiblity to raze her. Whenever Kolbie ask me about her mother I always say she's in a safe place and that one day they'll meet. It hurts me to say it, but it makes her happy so I'm happy. Now it's been 3 years and she's sprouted into a beautiful little girl who's very smart and intellegent. I'm so proud of her, but sometimes I wish I was there for her mother to help her through her pregnacy.

        I started my car and drove back to work once again with the though of her misterous mother on my mind.

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