Crime Scene; David Row

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        I was thinking so hard about that one night at the club. Man, I was too pissed drunk to remember what the hell she even looked like. She defiantly must of had brown eyes, like Kolbies. Probably blonde or brown hair, possibly curly or wavy. A cute little nose too, because Kolbie does not have mine for sure. Long natural eyelashes, small elegant face. I was painting a mental picture of this woman off my daughter. My daydreaming would have to wait for later, my buzzing phone in my pocket was more important at the moment.

"Styles." I answered without bothering to look at the caller ID.

        "Hey Styles, we have a crime scene in the amusement park. They're saying a man committed suicide by jumping off the Ferris Wheel but I bed to differ on his wounds. Please come down quickly."

It was Tomlinson, and he sounded stressed and urgent. "On my way." I pressed the glowing red 'end' button on my IPhone before making a careful U-turn to head in the other direction. There was only one Ferris wheel I know in England that anyone would try to commit suicide off of. This was going to be a bloody mess and my own blood was pumping with excitement.


I parked my 'soccer mom car', as Tomlinson happily calls it, in a open space along with the other teams cars. Leaning towards the window, I took a glance up to see the London Eye before me. There wasn't any people on it, today it was a crime scene were a possible suicide or murder took place. No time for happiness and fun here anymore. I grabbed my forensics kit from the trunk before flashing my badge to the cops who let me under the tape. Right away I spotted a plump arse pacing back and forth, distant from the crime scene. Casually, I strolled up to the team and stood beside another investigator; Detective Payne.

"What's wrong with Tomlinson. He looks stressed out about something." I casually questioned as I stole a glimpse over my shoulder at the lad.

        "He just got a call from someone and ever sense then he's been flipping out. I'm glad you were able to make it. There's a lot of blood." Payne sighed in relief, a weight seemed to be lifted off his shoulders. His broad, muscular shoulders that always seemed to be tensed. Payne didn't seem like the guy to worry about anything, he looked like a rugged man who could easily deal with anything. Everyone knows he's a softy though. We get along well most of the time.

"Hm..." I shrugged casually before slipping on a pair of latex gloves and took out my camera. This camera was great! It was clear and very focused, it has attachable lights on the side so I can light up the crime scene when I take pictures. Its a little too big and heavy but it does its job well so I won't complain. There was a tent around the victim, which meant it was pretty bad if we were hiding it from public view. Opening the curtain I was immediately hit with the aroma of rotting flesh and unbearable heat. I squinted my eyes and stuffed my nose into the crook of my elbow. "Can I get a mask please!" I called and soon Sargent handed me one and I tucked the straps behind my ears, placing the surgical mask over my mouth and nose.

The victim was like a rag doll, lying on his stomach with his limbs in all different directions. His face must have hit the ground pretty hard, his skull was crushed into the pavement bellow. A sign showing he possibly did fall, but from way up top. "Name?" I questioned before bringing the eye piece of the camera to my eye and taking a picture of the body.

        "David Row, 41. No eyewitnesses." Sargent St.Germain informed as she crossed her arms across her chest. "What do you think it was Styles?"

I inspected the subject more and I notices a particular spray pattern of blood across the ground, of course mixed with some brain particles and skull fragments. I made sure to take a picture of it, a couple for good measures. Looking down his body, I checked out his legs and ankles to noticed they were swollen and bruised. "His ankles and knees are broken. A sign that he tried to land on his feet."

        "How does that help us Styles?" Sargent grumbled, obviously impatient.

"Well, it I wanted to kill myself I would have went head first." I casually said looking up at the short woman. "Either he was going to and changed his mind, or he was pushed off."

        "His face took a great hit, how do you explain that?" Cocky bitch.

"Most likely he fell from the top, only an impact from that height would cause that much impact to his face. When he hit the ground he most likely buckled and with the speed he was going on, fell foward and his face got hit." I informed the woman before turning the man over. His whole front was soaked in a layer of thick crimson blood, he was practically laying in a puddle of it. They must have found a wallet of his because his face is unidentifiable. There was a faint indent on the concrete where his face was, now it was filled with bone fragments, tissue, skin, and of course blood. His face was piratically a flat mask. His nose no longer existed as it was crushed into his face. The pressure from his skull pushed his eyeballs out of their sockets and they now hung loosely on his crushed cheek bones. His chin was pushed chin, breaking his bottom jaw and not it loosely hung my only flesh. It was a mess, but very interesting. Then the thought came to me; he looked awfully limp in the position he was in. If I were falling I would probably hit the ground looking like a starfish.
"I'm going to have to inspect the body when its clean. I think this man was drugged. I need to search it for any injection points. I don't believe he was drugged with a pill, I think he was injected with something, poisoned." I snapped some more photos before getting off my knees and looking at the Sargent. "You should find some camera footage from the security  camera's. This man was killed." I informed with a calm attitude before leaving the tent, removing my mask and gloves. I was in the middle of dissembling my camera when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning my head I saw Louis with dark, puffy circles around his eyes.

        "What did you conclude?" He mumbled, looking at me then at my camera.

"He was killed. I just need to inspect his body and then I can be certain of it." I casually answered. "What's up with you?"

        "Boyfriend, we broke up. He was cheating on me with a girl."

"Sorry to hear Tomlinson. Glad I could help though." I really did feel bad for the boy. He was still young and things like this hurts for everyone. I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze for reassurance. "Want to go and get a smoothie or somethin'? I'll buy." I offered with a smile and Lou gazed back up at me with a trying smile.

        "Yeah, I would like that Styles."

"Great, let me put my camera away and then we can head off. I'm done here, did the bloody work." I chuckled before neatly putting every piece where it belonged in his case.

        "A little compulsive there, 'ey?" Louis chuckled as he watched me pack up.

"I have a little OCD. I may like to work with blood but I like my things... clean."

((Hello once again lovelies! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I promise that the crime scenes will get more gross! There are plently more to come! And poor Lou ;~;. Baby had his heart broken. Until next time, bye loves!))

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