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Charlie cried in distress when Kaleb took away a building block from her. Kodi, who was walking past with a basket of laundry, sighed.

"Kaleb, play with your own toys. Stop taking your sisters. I do not want to deal with a breakdown from any of you kids today." He frowned and gave the block back reluctantly after his mother stared him down.

He sighed and kicked at the ground before going to sit on the couch. It was pouring out and he couldn't go outside to play soccer. He's been stuck inside with all of his family and there's nothing to do.

He followed his mother aimlessly as she went throughout the rooms to drop of laundry.

"Momma there's nothing to do! Where's mommy at?"

"She's at work, babe. The photoshoot should be done soon so she'll home in about an hour or two." He started following her again when she left Ollie's room.

"Can we do something?" He jumped up and down a little bit.

"What were you thinking?" She finally out the now empty basket down in the laundry room and gave her son her full attention.

"Build a fort!" He smiled proudly at his new found idea and crossed his fingers behind his back. He really wanted to build a fort. It would be perfect. Kodi smiled at her son and nodded.

"Alright. Come on, go get Ollie and meet in the living room." She winked at him as he bounded to his little brother's room yelling 'Grey'. Kodi got into the closet by the living room and grabbed some extra blankets. She went into the living room and seen the two year old playing with blocks.

"Momma!" She squealed in delight. "Towa!" She looked at the mini tower and slid up by Charlie.

"That's so good baby! You want to do something fun?" Her daughter climbed into her lap and nodded. "Your brothers and I are going to build a fort." Her daughter furrowed her little brows, but nodded anyways. "Let's put these blocks away." Charlie got off her lap and pushed over the tower. "Not like that Charlie girl. Pick them up and put them in your box." Charlie was turning into a little dare devil just like Kaleb was. Oliver was the perfect little boy though. Atleast one of her kids was a little angel. She's joking of course, she loves all of them the same.

Charlie picked up her toys and threw them into the box in the living room while Kodi got the chairs from the kitchen and started on the fort.

"Momma! What can we do?" The two boys came into the room.

"Get the pillows on the couches and start setting them up around to make a base." Kaleb nodded, he knew what to do.

Charlie sat on the now cushion-less couch and watched as her mother and brothers set up this so called fort. They soon disappeared and Charlie got weary.

"Momma? Momma!" She cried. Kodi popped her head out of the fort.

"I'm here, Char Char. It's okay, let's get in the fort." Kodi set him pillows and blankets in the fort and turned the tv on. She made sure to build it so they could see the tv. Charlie slowly crawled into the cave looking thing where Ollie and Kaleb were sitting and playing with their trucks and stuffed animals and the little girl quickly crawled over to her mother. She didn't like the little space they were in that much, but she felt safe in her mom's arms. "What movie should we watch?"

"Tarzan!" Oliver suggested. It was a movie all of them liked and would agree on. Kodi quickly got it on and laid down. Charlie laid against her and the boys laid down with her as well as the movie played out.

Ella turned the key into the house and took off her raincoat quickly and hung it up. It was pouring cats and dogs out there. She set the keys down gently as she realized how quiet it was. I mean it was around the kids nap time, but usually she would be able to hear Kodi singing or playing an instrument somewhere in the house. She listened closely and heard the tv on in the living room. Making her way there she stopped in her tracks.

"What the hell," she muttered under her breath. There was sheets, blankets, chairs, pillows, everywhere in the living room. She cracked a smile and carefully went to find the entrance. She peeked her head in and melted at the sight in front of her. Her four favorite people were all cuddled up and sleeping. She quickly got her phone out to take a picture and posted it on her Instagram.

"Forts, cuddles, naps - the perfect combo for a rainy day <3"

Her heart thudded in her chest at the familiar feeling. She loved this feeling. She loved coming home to this.

She ran her hand over Kodi's foot and giggled lightly when it twitched.

She'll talk to Kodi about it.


Kodi jerked awake when thunder cracked and a body jumped on her. She coughed and looked down. Kaleb was there with Mr. Rex. Ella wiggled beside her also from feeling the bed shake.

"Kaleb what's wrong?" She mumbled. Another thunder cracked throughout the room and he jumped. "I see, come to mommy." She opened her arms up for him and lifted the blanket so he could get under and he immediately dove in. It was still storming out, but it got worse at night. Instead of the pounding rain, there was now also thunder and lightning. Not always so good of a combo when you have kids.

There was a frantic knocking on the door again.

"Come in," Kodi called. Ollie poked his head in, tears in his eyes.

"Momma, it's scary."

"I know buddy, come here." He made his way over and crawled up onto the bed. Ollie snuggled into her side and Ella and Kodi locked eyes for a second. They smiled at one another before getting comfy with their sons. They were almost asleep when another shock of thunder and a burst of lightning hit again. That caused Charlie to cry and Ella sighed.

"I'll get her." Kaleb moved off of her so she could get out and he went over to his other mother and Ollie. Ella walked into Charlie's room and picked her up from her little bed. "Hi baby, you're okay honey. It's just the sky being loud." She bounced her around a little and started walking towards her room.

"Mommy," she whimpered. "No! Scuba." Ella smiled softly at her daughter and turned around.

"How could I have forgotten Scuba? I'm sorry, let's go get him." Scuba is Charlie's orange stuffed octopus that she loves. She takes him everywhere with her. Ella picked up the stuffy from the little bed and gave it to Charlie. "There you go, love. You wanna go snuggle with me and momma now?" She nodded against her mother's neck so Ella ventured out to their room once more.

When she got back in the room it was no longer pitch dark, but the tv was on and it was playing Wild Kratts. The kids have gotten into it recently.

"Hey, they couldn't fall back asleep. Tv usually helps right?" Ella nodded a little. Even though it's not a very good way to have them fall asleep, they'll do it anyways. Ella got back into bed and the kids were all in between them. Ollie was up against Kodi, Kaleb right beside his brother, while Charlie was right against Ella, resting her head on her shoulder. The two year old eventually climbed on top of Ella and laid flush against her chest, with Scuba tightly in her hold. Ella softly rubbed her back, hoping to coax her to sleep.

The kids all fell asleep after a while and Ella and Kodi were still up, watching whatever show came on after another. Ella turned towards Kodi a little. Kodi was watching the tv, her eyes bright and Ella's lips formed into a lazy smile. Of course she would get excited watching a kids show. She chanced a glance at the tv and saw that the Wild Kratts just turned into a rhino. She chuckled quietly at her wife and that got Kodi's attention.


"You're just too cute," she murmured and Kodi blushed. "Hey Kodi?"

"What's up baby?" Ella bit her lip gently. Kodi scrunched her brows and looked at her softly. "Come on, you can tell me anything." Here's the chance. Ella took one more deep breath.

"I want to have another baby."

Rainy days are my favorite. Now I want to build a fort.

They want to have another baby o.o

Word count: 1471

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