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*Kaleb shown above*

I woke up in another cold sweat. I breathed in deeply and looked at the time seeing it was nine fifty-four in the morning. This was later than usual. I shakily reached over grabbing my phone off the table, seeing I recieved three messages from Ella.

I will thank you :))
well, goodnight <3
goodmorning! i hope you have a good day.

I smiled looking at the messages, she's really sweet.

goodmorning Ella. I hope you have a good day as well!

so what ya up to for the day?

well atm, I just woke up, so I'm not too sure.

I turned my phone off and went to Kaleb's room and seen he wasn't in his crib.

I walk downstairs to see my mom feeding him his bottle out in the living room.

"Thank you momma," hugging her, I give her a kiss on the cheek.

"No problem babygirl. There's only one more bottle in the fridge, you'll need to pump again." She smiles down at the little boy in her arms as I nod and walk back upstairs to take a shower.


After I shower I got my phone and looked to see two messages, one from my mom, the other from Ella.

Kaleb is in his bouncer watching tv, I went to work, don't forget to pick Kacy up at 2:40

I respond back to her, then reading Ella's message.

that sounds so fun😂(sarcasm)

oh yeah, frl.
So what's up?

I'm at school, it's lunch right now.

well atleast it's lunch. Sucks you're still in school😂where do you go?

I walk over to Kaleb picking him up out of his bouncer.

"How's my little man," I cooed at him, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. He giggled cuddling closer to my chest.

She told me the school she went to and I chuckled.

hell yeah I am, I know that school, we would compete against you guys in sports.

I place my phone down as I hear the front door open and a few minutes later Kyler comes into my room.

Kyler is my older sister. Only by three years. She works with my mom and dad in the family company but my mom doesn't let her work a lot if she doesn't want to. She's still learning the ropes of it all and is almost done with college. I'm also going to be college to learn about business, even though I don't really want to.

She flops onto my bed and greets me and Kaleb before she starts complaining, "some jackass almost crashed into me on the way here. I could've died Kodi. What would you have done without me. Screw these people. They need to learn out to drive."

I chuckled lightly while she grumbled.

"Watch the language there. We have a child in our midst," I laugh. "You're still here though so you're fine. Where's Sarah?"

Kyler was bisexual but she's been dating Sarah for three years already. They're super cute. Kyler and Sarah have an apartment together but Kyler visits often. We're big on family.

"She's visiting her sorry excuse of a dad, I'm not sure why, but she said she'd call if she needs anything."

I was about to speak when she continued, "god I hate men, honestly, what pigs." She picked up Kaleb and cradled him. "You're gonna be the most sweetest and strongest boy out there when you grow up. And your girls are helping you do that. You don't need a dad do ya?" she tickled his stomach as he squealed.

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