Chapter 3: A Past Changes A Present

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"C'mon Kamaye, fight back! A voice says.
"Stand up and fight, you white haired freak!"

I stood up.
Raul backed away from me, grasping his fist. He began running at me again, this time with intent to kill me.
I felt my feet move, hitting the wall behind me. Am I subconsciously cowering? I couldn't tell, but I knew something had to happen.
He was right in front of me, as my feet reached my butt. My legs pushed against the wall, as I realized what the HELL I was doing. I managed to jump over Raul, as my hand grabbed his jacket's hoodie. As I landed, Raul landed with me, choking on his collar.

I opened my eyes, as I took down the Grunt like I did Raul.

"GRGH, you got lucky. You made it personal when that pen stabbed me, you bastard!" He said, standing up.
I ran toward the wall where the bottle was leaning against. He got up once I was halfway there, and began running to the bottles. I picked the bottle up, and noticed he was right there.

I angled the bottle so that it poked him instead of breaking on him. As he ran into it, he broke the bottle with his head, as I kicked his back. I backed away from him.
Man, this guy must really be that stupid, he ran into a bot-

As I said that, something hit my forehead. Something.. sharp. I looked down and saw he threw the bottle's neck at me, and it hit me right in the forehead.

He walked toward me this time, steaming. His left fist had a finger-sized hole in it, and he was bleeding onto his shirt. He looked really pissed off, and grabbed me by the neck. His hand was able to cleanly wrap around my neck, not because of my thin neck, but because his hand is the size of a tire.

"You made me bleed on my new shirt! The smart guy won't be too happy with this, I might get in trouble because of you. I don't give a crap though, I'll snap yer damn neck like a twig!" He said, as his grip began tightening.

My feet couldn't reach the floor.
My eyes began seeing less and less.
Suddenly my fists twitched. My arms wrapped around his arm, and my fingers moved by themselves.
I felt for the hole in his fist, and I found it.
I took out the pen I stabbed it with and shoved the pen back into his fist, as his grip loosened.

He was stunned, and so I threw the blood-inked pen away. I realized he's not going down with stabs and outsmarting him, but with brute force.
He looked down at me and readied his right fist. I prepared mine too, and swung mine as an uppercut.

I couldn't even see what happened.
It was all a red blur.
I opened my eyes to see him on the floor, with my knuckles stained red. I walked up to him and realized I punched right into his glass jaw.

I felt around his neck and made sure he had a pulse, which he did. I didn't kill him, luckily. I looked back at my fist, still painted red. I couldn't tell if this blood was mine or his. I snapped out of my confusion and ran to the nearest pay phone.

"119 what's your emergency?"
"Uh I'm at the Ukumatsu Library, there's some guy that's been beat up. I'm not staying for all the paperwork, send an ambulance!"
I hung up the phone and realized something.
Rhed's in the library. Uh oh.

I began running to Shizuka's house, hoping to find Shizuka there and confront her brother. I know he put the hit on me, especially with the empty threat he gave me.

"Huh?! Oh, it's you, Rhed." I said, as Rhed held me by the shoulder.
"You beat up that guy in he parking lot, didn't you? Don't even answer that, I know the answer. You're beat up, you look like you jumped head first into a meat grinder."

"Stay out of the way, I have somewhere I need to be and I'll be damned if you get in my way, Rhed."
"Alright alright, I'll go back to the library and I'll explain what happened. Don't push yourself too hard, Kamaye." Rhed said, as he let go of my shoulder and began running back.

I ran for a while and realized I was getting nowhere. I decided to go to the fountain of early love, located in the center of the outlet.

I arrived and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"The goon's hurt, as I've been told. You've been accepted into the Yamasgashi Family. Your first assignment? I want this.. "Kamaye" to submit to me. I want his pinky, he's made a fool out of us. Do you understand?"

"This'll help my sister get the treatment she needs?"
"I guarantee it."

My name is Momoru.
My sister is Mute.
My parents are dead.
I'll protect my sister at any cost.
He's been seeing some other guy a lot.
Fruity already stuck up to me.
I doubt he will.

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