Chapter 4: The Snake Charmer

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I watched as Kamaye walked away from our house, I hope he reads my note. I took some time to make that, I hope he follows the instructions I put on them.

"Hey Shizuka, later I'm going out with a couple of friends. You'll be fine by yourself here, right?" Momoru said, as I nodded.

As Momoru nodded back and grabbed his jacket, he left the house. As I sat down, I decided to pick a book to read. I found one and read the title: Love for Dummies. As I opened the book, I read the first page: Chapter 1: The fl-

"Shizuka, you dirty girl, you need a book to fall in love?" 
I turned around to see Fruity outside, waving at me. 

As I stood up, he said:
"Aw, you're face is all red!" He said, laughing.
I walked outside and hit his head, as he chuckled.

"Alright Alright, let's get going." 

As we walked, he began to skip and hop. I pulled out my notepad and wrote:

"Why are you so joyous today?"
"Oh, I dunno. I've been talking to someone recently." Fruity said, as my curiosity turned to suspicion.

I began writing again, as he looked over at my notepad.
"What's her name?"

"Oh, it's not a her, it's a he. He's just dreamy as hell, makes my eyes turn to gold everytime I see him." 

As we were walking, however, a crowd overwhelmed us. I couldn't reach Fruity's hand, nor could I shout for him. I was scared, and I covered my ears, hoping someone would help me. I could feel my surroundings getting smaller and smaller. I couldn't breathe, I was too scared.

Suddenly, my hand was grabbed, and I could feel myself moving further and further away from the crowd. I looked up, but I couldn't see who was the person carrying me to safety. Their hand was warm, comforting, so I'm guessing it's Fruity's.

As we exited the crowd, I looked up at him. He looked at me, and we locked eyes. 
He was blonde, wore a white blazer over his red button up shirt, barely buttoned up. His pants were white as well, and he had a key around his neck.

"Are you ok? You looked pretty scared in that crowd. My name is Fuben, what's yours?"
I pulled out my notepad and began to write.

"My name is Shizuka, where is my friend?" 
"Oh, I don't know. I just helped you out of the crowd. You look hungry, may I treat you to some dinner?"
"I really need to g-" He grabbed my pen and winked at me, as I felt my chest go limb. I didn't want to say no to him, but I didn't feel like I could either.

As we were walking, people began moving out of his way. People looked at him like he towered over them, I wonder if he has a reputation with the locals in this part of town. Speaking of which, he was bringing me to the fancy part of the town. The one with all the fancy restaurants and people in dresses. I looked at myself, underdressed in a sweater, blue loose sweater. 

"Aw, don't worry about how you look compared to the others. Let's visit some place that'll make you look like a queen!" He said, as he began to jog and began pulling me to a building filled with different dresses.

One of them costs 50000 yen, the one next to it: On discount for 29,999 yen! It costs THAT much with a DISCOUNT?! Was the original price THAT HIGH?!

"Oh, see something you fancy? I think that'd look great on you. Go ahead and try it on, I'll pay for it." He said, as I desperately began to scribble on my notepad.  

"But it's 300,000 YEN."
"And..? Anything for a scared girl like you. You're just worth that much. Now go, and take our time!" He said, as he walked up to the cashier. 

So I decided to try it on. What's a few dollars for a guy like him, right? So I took off my sweater and looked at myself in the mirror. 

That's me. That's Shizuka Amami, the famed beauty of Nozomu, famous under her brother's shadow. I can't get too close to Fuben, I have someplace to be. Let's just hope that this doesn't take too long, so I could meet Kamaye again.

So I put on the dress and walked out, to see Fuben looking right back, smiling at me. Was he star-

"You look amazing. Let's get going, I made a reservation at a real fancy place, let's not be too late."

As we left, another crowd came out of nowhere. Instead of freaking out, Fuben pulled me close to him, as the crowd went around us. As my head leaned against his head, I looked up at him. He looked back, as we locked eyes. I never felt this way, and I know I could've stayed in that position for days, just hugging his chest. As the crowd got further and further away, I let go of him. 

"Aw, you got scared again. Don't worry, I'll protect you from any crowd." He says, as we began to walk again.

"Y'know, from the rumors, I expected you to be some crass diva who can't be treated well. See, people admire your beauty, but don't admire your personality like I do. You're pleasant to be around, and I can feel myself smile more and more just seeing your face. You're beautiful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, Shizuka." He said, as my heart began to beat faster and faster. I could feel myself loving him more and more.

We arrived at the restaurant, and we were immediately seated. He was seated with the window facing his back, and I was seated right in front of him. As we sat, the servers came to us first. When he ordered, I could barely pay attention.

As I looked outside, I got a good view of the place in front of me. A bakery across the street named Jack Bakers Bakery. As I looked further down the street, I noticed someone dragging their feet over to the restaurant, almost limping. I kept checking out their outfit, black pants with hints of red, a grey sweater and a winter jacket, black and grey. 

Wait, that's what Fruity was wearing.  

As I looked up to his face, it was his Orange hair, but a face bleeding red.

It was Fruity.

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