Chapter 11

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Just like every other meal, Ms. Herrier insisted on inspecting Ben and Sparrow's appearance before allowing them to sit at the kitchen table. This time, however, she was extra thorough. She took her time checking each fingernail and straightening collars and hems.

When she seemed unsatisfied, she ordered both boys to report to the sink.

"Oh, Kestra, let the boys eat, would you?" Lolly laughed, and her belly jiggled.

"Lolly, please," The housekeeper said as she grabbed hold of Sparrow's hands in one of her own and scrubbed his fingers with a stiff brush. "You just worry about cooking, and I'll worry about how to raise these boys."

"You don't really think Mr. Frederick is coming to look at their fingernails, do you?" Lolly asked.

"You and I both know that Aloysius Frederick is a detail-oriented man. He will have my head if I let the boys just sit down for dinner with dirt all over them." Ms. Herrier pushed Sparrow aside and grabbed hold of Ben's hands next. "You'll really need to be on your best behavior this evening, Mr. Everett. I don't want you trying to sneak into that old garden, but that doesn't mean I want you to bear the full force of his temper."

"Is he really that mad?" Ben asked as Ms. Herrier dug the brush's bristles deep under his fingernails. It was a miserable feeling, and normally he'd pull back or resist, but tonight Ben felt resigned to his fate.

"Whether or not he's angry will depend entirely on how you interact with him. Be respectful, and he will stay calm."

"Why are you helping me like this?" He asked, "I didn't think you liked me enough to worry."

Ms. Herrier stopped what she was doing. She dropped her scrub brush into the sink and squared her eyes with his. "Don't like you?" She asked, "Whatever gave you that idea?"

"You're always giving me a hard time. I thought you just hated me."

Ms. Herrier's eyes were suddenly wet with heavy tears that she refused to spill. She brushed them away with her shawl and wrapped him up in a forceful hug. "I love you, Ben. If I'm hard on you, it's because I want to see you do better. A life without a mother or father is not an easy one."

Ben was surprised by the hug and even more surprised by her words. He held back his own tears, and after the hug lasted a little too long, he pulled away and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. He cleared his throat and said, "Can I sit down now?"

"Of course," Ms. Herrier firmly squeezed Ben's shoulders and turned away from him to take her own spot at the foot of the table.

The boys sat with the housekeeper, patiently waiting as Lolly busied herself with platters and dishes. The table was unusually abundant, which was impressive given the load of food Lolly made on a regular day.

When Lolly had burdened the table to its maximum capacity, she slipped a towel from her apron and dabbed the sweat on her face and forehead. "And how bout me?" She asked Ms. Herrier before sitting down. "Am I clean enough to meet your standards?"

"Shut up, Lolly." Ms. Herrier's brief moment of emotion had passed, and her tone was cold and calculating again.

The cook laughed, and again her body jiggled with the motion of it. She took her seat at the table at Ms. Herrier's left side and smiled at Ben and Sparrow. "She's so easy to get going, isn't she?"

Sparrow snickered, but Ben held back. As he looked down the table at Ms. Herrier, he couldn't help but feel like something changed in their relationship. He didn't feel an urge to antagonize her anymore, even if she looked funny when she twisted her nose up in annoyance.

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