28. Blake/Daniel

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Someone knocked on Daniel's door just as Blake finished pulling his sweater over his head. "Michael?" He called out. "Did you forget something?"

That was strange. Michael never forgot a single detail about anything. He even brought Blake color coordinated underwear and socks. Swinging open the door, Blake surprised himself and ended up jumping back. Adrian wasn't who he expected to see on the other side dressed like he's got places to be and go, holding two bags at his side.

"What are you doing? Are you moving rooms?" Blake asked.

The side of Adrian's lip pulled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "In a way. I'm being relocated to the Venture Hotel with some of the other wedding guests—" He kept talking, going and going and making Blake feel like he just stuck his head outside a speeding car. Whiplash and deafening noise. Wanted to pump the breaks. "I wanted to wait to tell you after the wedding. I never wished to take the focus away from you or Daniel, but he's left me no choice. I'm retiring, Blake. The day of your wedding was supposed to be my last day, but obviously Daniel thought otherwise."

Short circuiting, Blake blinked and waved his hands around his head to maybe swat the confusion away. "Wait! Wait! Wait! Start over—" He froze "—what do you mean you're leaving? And retiring? This is a lot to tell me at once and I wish you had told me to sit down. Normally, people are asked to sit down before given big terrible awful news."

"I wanted to wait."

"And you didn't because?"

"Blake," Adrian whispered, forcing Blake to listen closely. He dropped his luggage and held Blake's arms to keep him from spiraling. "I wanted to make this transition as easy as possible. I didn't want to upset you."

"Well, I am upset."

Smiling softly, Adrian freed one hand to cup Blake's cheek. "Don't be upset. I believe the Prince when he says he knows what's best for you and if he thinks I should go, I'll go. He has all the power here."

Blake shook his head, growing more and more frustrated with every word. It was impossible to unpack it all at once, but Blake decided to try. This felt like a big mess anyways. "Is that what he said?"

"He did—"

Blake guffawed, infuriated enough for his blood to boil.

"He's the prince, Blake. If he doesn't want me in his castle, I must oblige."

Blake moved from Adrian's touch, storming away from Daniel's room. He didn't know where to begin, but he needed to say something, or he'd burst. "Knows what's best for me? Knows what's best for me?! As if! He didn't even want to get to know me until we were engaged!" Adrian chased him down the hall.

"Blake," Adrian tried to coax Blake back into his hands. "Blake, come here."

"No, no, I need to find Daniel and remind him that we're partners. He doesn't have all the power." Ready to fly down the hall, Blake put his foot forward when Adrian finally found purchase with his wrist, pulling him back.

"Daniel's right. I should go be with the other wedding guests."

Blake's chest tightened as he watched his caretaker try to put on a brave face for his sake. This time would be different. Blake would be the one to take care of Adrian. He owed him at least that much. Turning around, Blake threw himself into Adrian's chest and squeezed him tight, so when he spoke, Adrian would take it as a promise, "You're not a guest. You're family." He popped his head up. "I'm gonna sort this out. You'll stay in my room if Daniel refuses to give your room back."

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