27. Daniel

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Usually, as a vampire, Daniel could feel as heavy as marble, as unyielding as ice, but this morning he walked on air, gliding over the marble and ancient runners. Daniel imagined he'd never touch the ground again. During his entire young adult life, Daniel watched with great amusement as boys threw themselves at the feet of the oblivious Blake Winslow and now, he was the one who surfaced as the victor. He was the last man standing.

Daniel was never so happy to be wrong about someone.

And he was very wrong indeed.


Damien appeared like a jump scare around the corner. He had flung himself out of his bedroom, still wearing his silk pajamas and his long hair was half out of its bun, curling around his shoulders. Unlike the usual movie serial killer, Damien didn't come armed with a gun or a stake. He only threatened Daniel's good time. Attempting to avoid his brother-in-law, Daniel moved to turn around when Damien plopped to the ground, reaching for Daniel's ankles.

His smile dropping, Daniel's eyes flashed red as he dashed out of Damien's reach, faster than what the mortal eye can perceive, which caused Damien to slip forward and land on his face.

Lowering to his hind legs, Daniel wagged his finger at Damien. It was amazing that Damien was a few years older. "You really need a hobby that doesn't involve your siblings."

If Damien heard him, he didn't show it as his eyes stayed trained on Daniel's ankles. He slumped, genuinely disappointed. "You're walking totally normal."

Standing tall, Daniel crossed his arms. "I'm afraid to ask, but is there a reason why I wouldn't be walking normally?"

As he approached, Damien's brow narrowed. He sat his hands on his hips, seemingly frustrated by what wasn't there. Only focusing on Daniel's ankles, he muttered, "I could've sworn my ward went off last night."

"A ward?"

"Of course. I put one in front of Blake's door so if someone walked through, it'd burn their ankles."

"You set a fire off in the palace?"

"Of course not. I'm not crazy—"

"That is highly debatable."

"It was just a small burst of light. Enough to singe a vampire."

"You know, for threatening the crown, I could have you thrown in prison."

Damien's purple eyes, the same eyes as the rest of the Winslow clan, snapped up. His brows were scrunched in confusion and hurt. "What? But we're family."

Throwing his hands up in defeat, Daniel decided to walk away because Damien was unfortunately right. They were going to be family and Blake would probably kill him for killing his brother. This wasn't the old world either and Daniel couldn't set a bounty on Damien's head for the coven to tear him apart... but maybe for his birthday. Daniel was just going to have to hope that he could whittle Damien's judgement away with time.

Maybe when Damien finally realized how Daniel would do absolutely anything for Blake. That there wasn't another man in this world that would take care of Blake as well as he could... though Damien was pretty insufferable. He'd have to ask Frances' matchmaking friend to set him up. Someone else needed to consume Damien's thoughts.

But this did remind Daniel.

On a new mission, Daniel searched the guest wing for a particular Winslow. Turning up empty, he passed through the kitchen and dining room, greeting the staff when he turned up empty again. This castle was teeming with the Winslow family and he couldn't find one, especially not the one he wanted. Close to admitting defeat, Daniel climbed the west wing steps, when he finally heard that familiar voice.

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