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Asking young adults to make a decision that will shape their entire lives at the age of twenty one is a pretty big deal, when you think about it. An intimate understanding of yourself almost always takes longer than that to develop, and even then, people change over time. What if you're much younger mentally than you are physically? What if you are unable to separate who you wish you were from who you truly are? What if you simply don't know?

"What if you fit more than one category?"

"You don't," Bad said, turning to look at his blonde friend. "Nobody does."

"There's no way that's possible," Jordyn retorted.

"Divergence is a myth, you know," said Skeppy. "I know who I am, anyway."

Bad rolled his eyes, pulling the white sleeves of his hoodie down over his finger tips. "Of course he does."

Jordyn could only wish for the self assuredness of Skeppy. In taking the aptitude test a few days ago, she had expected to receive an answer that would help her discern which path to take in life. However, after entering her test results manually, the Abnegation woman had told her she'd gotten Amity, and sent her out the back door. You were not bound to chose the faction you received as your test result, it was just highly recommended, but Jordyn couldn't bring herself to even consider choosing Amity.

There were five factions, each of them unique in what they believed was the most important aspect of preserving the harmony of society. The factions system allowed for differences in human nature, acknowledging that people are born with different strengths, and different weaknesses. The only thing it did not allow for, was hesitation. Insecurity. Imbalance.

Candor, the honest. It had been Jordyn's home for twenty one years. Completely transparent and open, but still, Jordyn believed some secrets were worth keeping.

Erudite, the intelligent. There was so much to learn about the world, and Erudite were doing a good job of finding out as much as they possibly could. But Jordyn didn't want to attend school for the rest of her life.

Amity, the kind. Happy and peaceful, and living off the land, they'd rather conform to expectations than rock the boat in any way. Jordyn could barely relate to them, and she didn't understand why she'd received this faction as her result.

Abnegation, the selfless. They'd give up anything to help someone else. They'd even take the stairs just incase they accidentally indulged themselves in using the lift.

And finally, Dauntless, the brave. They'd stand up for what they believed in, and go to war over it if they had to. Courageous and strong, Jordyn was never entirely sure if they were the ones keeping the harmony, or the ones causing the problems to begin with.

Then of course, there was the deep rooted energy bubbling beneath her skin, a source of power she didn't understand. Nothing she'd read of in text books or learned of in school could explain what this was. But sometimes it felt as though her emotions were going to burst from her skin in an array of fireworks, as she barely maintained her grip on them.

"You're deep in thought," Bad said, glancing at her.

"I honestly have no idea what faction I'm going to chose today," the blonde girl sighed.

"If you were Candor you'd have told us your test result by now," said Skeppy.

"Maybe I'm not Candor then," She chuckled, shaking her head.

The three of them were sitting on the third row bench of the Candor section in the great hall, ready for their choosing ceremony. They had approximately twenty minutes before they would make the biggest decision they'd ever have to make, and not a single one of the twenty one year olds in the room felt ready for it. Up the front of the arena-like hall stood a large white stone structure with perfectly carved edges. Sitting upon its flat top were five bowls, each filled with a particular substance representing the five factions. Sizzling hot coals for Dauntless, grey pebbles for Abnegation, pure water for Erudite, perfectly cut glass shards for Candor, and simple brown dirt for Amity. Before them on the stone table was a metallic knife which seemed to glint at the young Candor girl as she looked at it.

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