Tim Hortons Cold Brew

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"Urgh, not a flat tire," Alexandra complained.

"Should I go inside and get some help?" I asked her.

"If coffee is help, yes please. Meanwhile I'll just call a towing of something."

Nodding, I went inside Tim Hortons. I was greeted with the smell of coffee. It smelled amazing.

Heading towards the counter, I noticed that the cashier was a guy around my age. I was a bit surprised as usually people who work at Tim Hortons were a little younger. Analysing him carefully, I realized that he was hot. Like, really hot. He had short blond hair and blue eyes. Looking into those eyes I felt like I was staring at the ocean. They were deep and mysterious in some way.

"May I help you?" he asked.

I cleared my throat. I was standing there staring at him like an idiot. "Is there anything refreshing that you recommend?" I asked him. "We kind of got a flat tire so I figure we'll be out there for a while. Two drinks," I added.

He nodded and went straight to business without saying anything else. I waited patiently to see what he would get us. When he was back, he put two cold coffees in front of me. They looked different. "What are these?" I asked him.

"It's new on the menu," he answered. "Vanilla cream cold brew. I hope you like sweetness." He smiled.

"Oh, I do. Thank-you. How much are these?"

"It's on the house," he replied.

"Are you sure?" I felt very grateful towards this hot stranger.

He nodded again. "I figured you both had enough problems for the day. Do you need me to check your tire?" he added.

"No, thank-you very much though. My friend already made calls to get this repaired." I smiled at him and turned to leave.


I turned around to look at the stranger again.

"What's your name?" he asked.


"I'm Justin... Hope to see you again," he winked.

I smiled once more.

Once outside, I noticed a piece of paper attached to one of the cups. It said :
Justin Thomson on Facebook

Grinning like a fool, I went back to the car, gave Alexandra her cold brew, grabbed my phone and searched for Justin on Facebook. We then waited until the towing arrived while I kept glancing at the Tim Hortons door, debating whether I should enter again, or message him on Messenger.

I was really happy that Alexandra got this flat tire today.

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