Day of the Dino: Confusion Edition! Pt.2

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Previously on AoMaMOTDD

Kira was talking with the boys and they had a long conversation and got to know each other better. Kira started to walk home but before she could get off campus she was kidnapped by the creatues she and the others had fought in the forest. She vanished.

"KIRA!" Ethan and Conner yelled out.

~~Current Time, Kira's POV~~
I woke up on some weird lab table which is never a good thing to wake up on... But at least I'm not strapped down to it.

"Where am I?" Suddenly a creepy voice randomly answered, "Give me the Gemssss" that totally doesn't sound scary. "Look I don't wear expensive gems...I might wear a friendship bracelet every now and then but...oh...Uh you mean the prehistoric rocks?" And suddenly the...the... Uh, THING, was in my face... God it needs a breath mint or something. "Yessssss" was my answer. "Look I really got to get going. My mom will freak if I'm late, it's Taco Night." Then just like that the thing vanished, I tried to let myself out. Keyword tried. I ended up fighting a woman who eerily reminds me of someone I know and not by choice. The fight went on for a while and then I ran... Through many confusing halls. I growled in irritation and thought, *WHY DO THEY ALL LOOK THE SAAAAME?!*

~~~~Ethan's POV~~~~

"What do we do?" Conner asked like it wasn't obvious
"WE GO GET DR. OLIVER, GENIUS!" I scolded him

We got into Conner's sports car and started going back and forth with our conversation.

"He's doctor-ish, he's a dinosaur guy, and these things are dinosaurs... Sorta." Conner started blabbing after I said that and I tried to get him to calm down.

"Okay okay, where does he live?" He sounds genuinely worried, "1992, Valencia Road." I answered and looked at me like I was crazy, "That's like all the way into the woods!" That explains the look he had a moment ago. "You want to save Kira or not?" I ask with a slight edge to my voice as we continues to speed down the highway to get to Dr. Oliver.

~arrives at Dr. Oliver's house~

**knocking on the front door**

"Hello? Dr. Oliver!? Ugh he's not answering! His car's here though." Conner seems to be in a state of panic.

I flipped when he opened the door, "Don't you know not to open someone's door!?" I once again scolded Conner, "Why would he leave it unlocked?" I rolled my eyes at Conner's question, "Hello, no neighbors," I stated it like it was obvious, "Ever heard of the three bears?" I was not able to comprehend his foolishness, "What, was that the last book you read?" I'm being snarky. He looked a little offended.

"Dr. Oliver! He's not here. What is he a super hero, what's this do?" I raised a brow, "Remember what happened last time you did that?" I reminded Conner of what happened before. "Please, he's a teacher, not..." Conner got interrupted as the carpet and some floorboards lifted and a staircase was revealed. "... Batman..." Conner finishes his sentence.

"Woah this place again! Where I told you I'd have my own company and your hairline would be receding." Conner leered at me.

"If you're looking for extra credit you've come to the wrong place."

"OH SHIT IT'S THE REAPER! HE'S COME FOR MY SOUL!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"ETHAN!" I looked and saw it was Dr. O and a kid... I stopped and made a sheepish gesture rubbing the back of my neck. "Sorry... But where did all this tech come from and why do you have a secret base?" He looked at us, "Reasons I will explain in due time. What did you two come here for? Is it for Kira? I heard something happened but I'm unaware as to what." I decided I'd flat out tell him, "Kirawastakenbytheseweirdscalycreaturesandwedontknowhowtogetherback!" Dr. O looked upset. So did the kid... He's in science class with us now that I'm thinking about it. Riku I believe was his name.

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