Legacy of Power: Confusion Edition

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✿Riku's POV at the Dino Lair✿

The boys, Kira, and myself walked into the Dino Lair

".........."*Where did Dad go? He didn't come home last night... I looked everywhere I could.... Is he okay?... Maybe I should get Mom involved.* I silently thought as I was sitting in Dad's chair

*:..。o○Timeskip to class first period○o。..:*
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Sora's POV˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

"Riku? Riku?" **Sigh** *Ever since last night Riku has been despondent... Mr. Oliver-Scott didn't return last night. He's been silent...and unhappy. Conner, Kira, and Ethan have been worried about him with all those looks they're giving him.* "Hm" Riku made a small noise. Nothing after that. Well shit. Don't tell Mickey I said that word! I just.... Poor Riku I wanna help him... But the only thing I can do is stay close.

*:..。o○Timeskip to lunch○o。..:*

Riku is still so.... Depressed. I suppose that's the word I'm looking for. I feel bad for Riku he's hurt and there not much I can do. While Riku eats and is down in the dumps I curl into him. He falters for a moment. **Squeak** He... He didn't need me to force him to do it... I suppose that's a good thing. Riku put his arm around me and held me close to him. In turn I've now become unwilling to let go and am now too warm and far too content to move. Riku held me closer and was a bit more protective when his friends came closer. He became despondent again. Noooooooooooooo. He sad again. FUCK! (Pls don't tell Mickey about that either)

Conner is approaching, "Riku... Hey have you seen Dr. O?" And Riku starts shaking a little. He's a dream eater, so we have our link... We can feel each other's emotions... He's sad and scared.

"Conner... I don't mean to be rude but...can you please back off for today?" I asked kindly but got a rude glare in return.

"I was unaware your name was Riku, dude. Never mind that, THIS is none of YOUR business!" I flinched back when he got close but that obviously pissed off Riku.

Riku took in a large breath and schooled his features and gave a nasty glare to Conner, his eyes alight with an orange red like flames."First of all, Conner, Do Not scare my Boyfriend like you just did. Second of all, DO NOT talk to him as such, he was asking very POLITELY for you to leave me alone. I MYSELF HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHERE MY FATHER IS! HE'S BEEN MISSING SINCE LAST NIGHT! HAPPY NOW?! LEAVE!"

Conner was blinking and standing in shock... Kira was silent but had an apologetic look and proceeded to drag Conner out. Ethan texted a small sorry and left.

I looked at Riku and held his hand said his name. "Riku?.... Are you... No stupid question. How about this one. Wanna go home?" Riku nods, and looks to me with glassy dark gloomy blue eyes.

We went home.

⛧┈♛Time Skip, at The House♛┈⛧
**✿❀Riku's POV❀✿**

... I just wanna sleep and pretend like the world doesn't exist. Because the world fucking sucks.

"Oh Darling, we'll find Dad. I promise." My teary eyes widened.

I sat up as fast as possible and somehow I don't have whiplash. "Mama!" "Hey squirt, don't worry. We'll get him home safe and sound." My eyes widened even more. "Pops!" They both sit on the couch with me and hug me(Now please don't ask where Sora is. Sora is cooking. He likes making Mac and cheese when I'm sad).

"Riiiku! Oh! Hi Mr. Oliver-Scott, hi Mrs. Oliver-Scott... I uh... Made some Mac & cheese if you'd both like some..." Sora is being a lil shy again. It's adorable. One of the many reasons I love him.

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