8 The escape

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The showcase of my quirk to Shigaraki went fortunately well and without any major problems.

The person I used my quirk on was 'some random guy' as Shigaraki said. The guy wasn't scared because Shigaraki promised him money for a 'harmless experiment'.

He seemed like a family man and I saw a picture of his kids peek out of the wallet he put on the table. He must really need this money.

Maybe he could help me escape and find my parents.

I held my illusion for two minutes but didn't dare longer because I was afraid to lose control and kill this innocent man.

The man was distressed as expected after seeing his worst fears come alive in my illusion.

Shigaraki was satisfied with my performance and patted my back.

"Well done Y/N, I see great potential in you. You can go now. I'll get rid of the guy." He said and motioned me to go.

"Oh, thank you but I could take care of this man and you can rest or do some other things. I know how to make people go back to normal from the aftermath of my quirk and I don't want him to leave so disheveled." I said sheepishly. I hope he believes me.

Shigaraki looked suspiciously between me and the man and thought for a bit.

"I could care less about this guy so do whatever you want. I'll send Dabi for you in five minutes to take you to your room so you better be done by then." With that, he shut the door behind him.

The gears in my head started turning, trying to come up with an actual plan to escape.

First, I started shaking the guy's shoulders to get him out of his trance.

"Mr., Mr. you need to wake up. We need to go." I said desperately.

The guy started blinking again and looked around the room.

"Huh? Yes, I'll take my things and go." He said with a faint voice, it was apparent that he still wasn't back to normal.

"Mr., you need to save me. Do you have somewhere I could hide? Please help me." I started to panic as he took his time collecting his belongings.

"What? From who, they weren't your friends?"

I shook my head. I need to hurry. I don't know how much time I have left.

He finally understood my situation and his face wasn't so calm anymore.

"Okay, you can stay at our house but we need to go quickly. The grey-haired guy seemed like a murderer." He chuckled anxiously.

We went to the doors, down the stairs, and out of the building.

We needed to quickly get furthest from the villain's layer as we could. They will definitely realize what happened when Dabi won't find me in the bar and send someone after me.

While we ran through the streets, I kept on looking back to make sure no one was following us. Finally, we took the train to the place this man was living in.

The guy's name was Mr.Yasushi and he told me that he was living there with his wife and their two little boys. I'll need to be with them for a couple of days because the first thing Shigaraki would do is to look for me at my apartment.

We weren't on the train for long when we stopped at one station and the worst happened. A pair came in and sat a couple of seats from us.

"Do you think Y/N will like them?" The blonde girl said.

"I'm sure. You were the one who said she stared at those flowers like she wanted to eat them yesterday, Toga."

It was Twice and Toga. Shit. I hope they leave at the next station.

I turned away from them so they wouldn't see my face and hid behind Mr. Yasushi. I listened onto their conversation to see if Shigaraki had already informed them about my disappearance. It didn't seem so.

"I hope she feels better today. Yesterday was so fun and if those stupid cops didn't show up, it would be even better." Toga said cheerfully.

She really does like me. I sighed. I feel so bad doing this to her. She could have a normal life if she didn't hang out with them.

"Dabi looked so cute when he cared for Y/N. Did you see him blush when I asked him if Y/N was beautiful? He definitely likes her." Toda continued chirping.

"Sucks that he can be such a grump sometimes." Twice added chuckling.

The train stopped at another station.

"Let's go." Mr. Yasushi whispered.

I walked close to him to not be seen by Toga and Twice and we left the train.

A few blocks from the train station stood and a small house which looked like it has seen better days.

When Mr. Yasushi opened the door, his sons ran into his arms. They were very young, around elementary age.

Before the boys noticed my presence, a woman in her forties with an apron came into the hall.

"Honey? Who is she?" She looked at me suspiciously. The boys stopped hugging their dad and looked at me aswell.

"Yeah, dad, who is she? Is she our nanny?" They said in unison.

I politely bowed and gave a friendly smile. I opened my mouth to introduce myself and tell them about my situation but I didn't get a word out because Mr. Yasushi interrupted me.

"Yes, she will be your guys' nanny for some time. I met her at the station and she doesn't have anywhere to go so I proposed that she could be our nanny in return to food and shelter. Doesn't that sound great honey?"

Why did he lie? He didn't have to but I guess it's better to not know. Maybe he would have problems too if his wife found out how he got the stack of money.

The woman took a good look at me.

"Um, well if you don't mind our humble living situation you can sleep in the room with the boys." She said hesitantly. She clearly didn't trust me.

"Thank you, thank you very much." I did another deep bow.

Just a few days. I can do it. And then I'm out and to find my parents.

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